NEW Heavyweight Champion: Marcus Shane
1.Brisco Bo
2.The Crow
3.The Crippler
5.Mr. Sex
NEW U.S. Champion:Prince of Pain
1.Justin Hazzard
2.Shane Steel
3.Junkyard Jeff
4.Joe Parillo
5."Phytisco Brisco Bo
NEW Extreme Champion:Junkyard Jeff
1.Shane Steel
2.Justin Hazzard
4.Marcus Shane
Tag Team Champions:Rat PAck(Rags and Joe PArillo)
1.Bardzilla and Johnny Paradise
2.Justin Hazzard and Junkyard Jeff
3.Bobby Taylor and AMAM
4.Fatty Patty and Puerto Rican Dream
NEW Crusierweight Champion:Prince of Pain
1.Jonny Paradise
2.Shane Steel
3.Multipersonality Mike
5.Diamond Dog