TNT Sportscenter in Schenetady, NY.
RAGS & Multipersonality Mike vs. Adam Tegnander & Squege
Squege and Adam came out flooring this little men with shoulder blocks and tackles. Adam flipped RAGS over his shoulders and Squege hit the car wash(finisher) on Mike and at the 2 count RAGS made the save and mike got a quick role up for the win.
Crippler vs. Bardzilla vs. Junkyard Jeff
Crippler and JYJ started off double teaming the big man. They both hit a double elbow drop and then a drop kick from JYJ and a spinning heel kick from The Crippler.Bardzilla came back with a chokeslam to Jeff and to the Crippler. Bardzilla then went to set-up Jeff for a powerbomb but when Bardzilla had him in the upwards position for the power bomb, JYJ kicked off Bardzillas shoulders and delievered a DDT to Bardzilla. Crippler then gave a huge suplex to Junkyard Jeff. Bardzilla worked on the Crippler and Slammed him to the ground. Bardzilla then threw Jeff on top of the Crippler. Bardzilla bounced off the ropes and hit a huge splash on both men and got the 1....2....3.
Mr. Sex vs. "Iron Head" Mike Madison
Mr. Sex came to the ring with a big applause. He went straight to work on Madison pummling him into the ground. Madison took some lethal drops and falls but came back and proved he could take on the pain and some of the best. They brawled back and forth until Madison locked in the boston crab and making Mr. sex submit. Mr. Sex winning streak ended and Madison's losing streak as well ended.
US Championship: Justin Hazzard vs. Prince of Pain
This match has been well awaited from these two men who dislike each other very much. Justin started things off with a ddt and Flying Cross Body Block. POP came back with a suplex and back breaker. Hazzard just wouldn't stay down and fought back with a Headscissors take down out of no where, a sidewalk slam and a Suplex reverse into an inverted tigerbomb. Prince of Pain then caught Justin off guard with a spinning heel kick, drop kick and closeline. Chaos came back for a while with a dropkick then a moonsault but POP returned with a Reverse TKO and a Frogsplash to become the new US Champ.
Heavyweight Championship: Crow vs. Marcus Shane
Crow had a big advantage in size, muscle, weight etc. but this didnt stop N.E.W's showstopper. Marcus fought Crow. Crow hit a TKO and Reverse DDT and things looked down on Marcus Shane. Shane, more guts than brains, attacked then monster with vicious kicks and a ddt. Shane didnt let up and continued to pumble Crow. Crow came back with a huge closeline and body slam. After change-ups in the control of the match, Marcus Shane caught Crow with a Guilletine Legdrop for the win and a new Heavyweight Champion.
Battle Royal to decide #1 Contender
Contenders were Crippler, Crow, Justin Hazzard, Junkyard Jeff, Scitzo Brisco Bo, Squege, Wreckless, Prince of Pain, Mr. Sex and Bardzilla. Brisco Bo came out to the HUGEST pop of the night, with cheering etc. At first everyone ganged up on Brisco and jumped him. They brawled some excellent manuevers were hit.
Crippler eliminated Crow, Wreckless, & Mr. Sex. Crow eliminated Squege. Brisco Bo eliminated Justin Hazzard, Prince of Pain, & the Crippler. Junkyard Jeff, Justin Hazzard, Brisco, Mr. Sex Crow and Squege all helped to eliminate Bardzilla who was the man to beat. Last two men in the ring were Crippler and Brisco Bo. Crippler started to pummel Bo until Bo poked him in the eyes and took control biting and punching. Bo strapped on the Sleeper but when Crippler got out of it, the plan back fired and Brisco threw him out and WAS THE LAST MAN STANDING!!