Results from 1998 N.E.W. ppvs
NEW RingMaster 98'
MAY 98'
Interview with Inner Circle
Crippler Vin Dargush tells King of Krunch thats he's not doing his job and intoduces Shane Steel(formely known as Soul Master) and they jump K.O.K.
Johnny Paradise vs. Prince of Pain(Cruiserweight Championship
Great match with the lightweights but Johnny Paradise had too much too worry about with Shane Steel and the Crippler.Johnny did hold his own but there was too much and P.O.P beat him via pinfall after a TKO like move.Crippler then applied the Crippler Cross-Over.
Physico Brisco Bo vs. "Head Master" Bill Johnson vs. Bardzilla
Bo said he came he to prove to the world his is the Supreme ICON and that he would challenge the 2 biggest NEW stars. Bo made some jokes and the men wrestled.Brisco was almost out after a spear from the HeadMaster but was saved.Bo gave a ddt to both men.Bardzilla and Brisco Bo both pinned Bill Johnson after using the handcuffs.Combined weight of say 500 pounds.Bardzilla the giant finally pinned Bo after using handcuffs. Winner:Bardzilla via pinfall
King of Krunch vs. Crippler Vin Dargush(U.S. Champ)
Krunch comes down and challenges Dargush.Vin comes down to the match. These two brawl for awhile but it looked like Dargush had the match after a Crippler-Sault but Krunch came back.Krunch showed us he could do alot more then sit aroun as Vin's old bodyguard.Very Impressive match.Crippler Vin Dargush wins to retain the belt via pinfall.
"Head Master" Bill Johnson vs. Silver Bullet
Johnson fought 2 matches and had alot better luck this time. Head Master wins after delivering a spear then a cradle ddt.Johnson wins via pinfall.
Bardzilla vs. AMAM and Bobby Taylor
*Handicap Match*
Bradzilla destroyed these two NEW veterans. There punches didn't even faze Bardzilla.AMAM tried a cross body blocked but was caught.Bardzilla wins after a double chokeslam via pinfall.
Triple Threat Extreme Title Match
Chaos(Champ) vs. Shane Steel vs. Junkyard Jeff
This was the Main Event and best match of the night.Chaos entered the ring with weapons.It was a brawl with the 3 guys using everything to fight with.They did some impressive hardcore moves like Doomsday device to Steel, ddts on chairs, suplexs and back suplexs on chairs.Pildrivers and other variety of slams were used along with garbage can came in use.Junkyard Jeff was elimanted when Steel blew a fireball in his face and Chaos gave him Total Chaos(Death Valley Driver) for the pin.Chaos and Steel brawled.....Chaos sat Steel down and put a chair in front of hima and a garabage can behind him slamming his head on the chair and his back of his head hitting the garbade can.Chaos got cheap shots by Brisco Bo who acted as the ref from out of nowhere by the Crippler, and Prince of Pain.Chaos was bleeding alot. Chaos and Shane used the ladder alot and Chaos ended up fighting off the 4 men but it was too much.Shane Steel gave an avalanche Outsiders Edge for the pin and Shane Steel is the new champ.
N.E.W. presents Blood Bash
Brisco Interview
Blood Bash started out as the acting comminiser Brisco Bo came out and
declaired that the Crippler would have to defend his belt against Chaos,
and that Junk Yard Jeff would have to defend his belt against Johnny Rage.
JYJ and the crippler then came out of knowwhere and ambushed Bo, working on
his injured hip. They let it be known they were not happy with Bo giving
the orders in N.E.W.
Multipersonality Mike vs. Joe Parillo
Parillo literally smoked Mike. Joe used vast arsonal of shots to the
kisser. Mike did come back but Joe rolled him up for the pin.
Extreme Championship Match
Champ:Shane Steel vs. Phytisco Brisco Bo vs. Black Magic
Bo literally used Steel as his stress ball. Bo did
a few moves by preforming a Piledriver, BackSuplex, Bulldog and a
Frogsplash. Steel did come back with a vicious shot to Bo's head with the
chain wrapped around his head, and layed out Bo.Steel followed up with a ddt and dpinning heel kick. Steel Did Him self in by
handcuffing Bo to the garbage can. Bo capitlized on it and Waffled Stell
with it, putting him in the slepper and gaining the win. Rightaway a
newcomer Black Magic came out and declaired to the ref that Bo was shaking
Steel do it looked as if he tapped, the ref ordered the match a no contest,
and Magic and Bo fought. Bo hit the Brisco DDT, but love got right back up,
delivering about a coupole of elbows, then using his fists to lay out Bo.He then did a reverse ddt and a HUGE Splash for the pin.Steele retains his title.
AMAM and Bobby Taylor vs. Puerto Rican Dream and Uncle Sam
AMAM and Bobby talyor won their first match, against the biggest jerks in
pro sports today. Talyor delivered a crushing elbow to Dream and AMAM
naled Sam with a polish ax handle to gain the win.
United States Championship Match
Champ:Junkyard Jeff vs. "Wildfire" Johnny Rage
Jeff wrestled this new comer who impressed everyone.Many moves were devlivered as Johnny Rage tombstoned, and gave the outsiders edge to Jeff. Jeff retailed with a dropo kick and powerbomb.Rage came back with a low blow and a powerslam. Rage hit a couple of axe handles and punches but the rwo brawled around using garbage cand and chairs to fight. Jeff deleivered another powerbomb and a frog splash onto a chair.Rage chased after Junkyard Jeff but Jeff kicked him and did a snap near take down. these two fought back and forth and a couple of pins and all kick outs. Jeff hit a suplex and then another powerbomb.Rage came back with a back body drop and big boot to the face of Jeff.Johnny threw Jeff into a garbage can and set the ladder near a table.Rage threw Jeff on the table and yelled at the ref.Rage skalled the ladder and did a moonsault off the ladder onto the table for the pin.Rage is the new US champ.
Heavyweight Championship
Chaos vs.Champ:The Crippler
Sorry for lame details,Chaos executed a splash and piledriver while Crippler executed a powerbomb and suplex, there were alot more details but due to computer problems they are not here.But Chaos won after a Death Valley Driver and becomes champ.
NEW Severe Punishment
Brisco Interview
Commishioner Bo comes down to the ring and talks about Marcus Shane and how he is allowing him back in the N.E.W arena now , also Bo talks about up-coming match with Multipersonality Mike , also Bo talks about aa new-comer to the N.E.W Black Magic.
US Championship Match
"Smokin" Joe Parillo vs.US Champ-"Wildfire"Johnny Rage
"smokin" Joe Parillo had his first title shot in the N.E.W. this match was a exciting brawl.These two men battled back and fourth throughout the entie match . It looked like Johnny Rage had the edge on his opponent when Multipersonality Mike came down to the ring in Commishioner Bos ring atire. this baffeled "wildfire" and while Rage was turned around "Smokin" Joe gave him a German Supplex . Rage was down and easily "Smokin" Joe got the 1-2-3
Marcus Shane's Interview
Marcus Shane came down to the ring saying something about big news . Also he talked about time spent in jail and his thoughts while he was sitting there. He than called out Soulmaster(Shane Steel) he told him how there match last week was so amazing that Shane now had a respect for Soulmaster . Shane than asked Soulmaster to bring back his thoughts to late last year when these 2 men along with another ran the N.E.W as the TRIPLE THREAT . Shane than askes Soulmaster if he wants to do it again , if they can form the "New And Improved" Triple Threat. They say that there new partner will be later introduced and they talk about them running the N.E.W. Than Junk Yard Jeff comes down to the ring and challenges Marcus Shane later on for that night. And Shane excepts.
Bardzilla vs. Phytisco Brisco Bo
This match was schueled for Multipersonality Mike to wrestle Bo , but for some reason Mike never came down . His music stopped and Bardzilla came to the ring and told Bo that he was sick of all the SH$T that Bo talks about runnin the N.E.W , than Bardzilla revealed his under-shirt and he was wearing a Triple Threat shirt .Than the Triple Threat came down to the ring and beta on Bo. Finally the two men Bardzilla and Bo started their match. This match was an amazing break-through match for both men . Both men doing manuvers that they have never done before.Bo tried to retaillyby walking away but out of no where a strange person who was discovered to be "RAGS" attack Brisco Bo until Marcus Shane attacked RAGS and Bo went to work on RAGS as well.Rags got up and swore he'd be back.He then disappeared.Rags is a new NEW wrestler.After awhile Bo was setting Bardzilla up for the Bo DDT when the Triple Threat jumped Bo and the ref. couldn't keep control anymore. The ref. called for the bell.
WINNER - Phytisco Brisco Bo (by dq)
Extreme Championship Match
Junkyard Jeff vs. Champ- Marcus Shane
This was an amazing/hardcore/highflying match. These two men batteled it out till they had notting left in them . This match was back and fourth with both men haveing control at different times. Junk Yard Jeff executed such moves as spining heal kick off the chair , inzaguary kick , supplex , elbow drop and many others while Marcus Shane did such moves as pedigree , power bomb , vandaminator , and outsiders edge along witl many others. This match ended when Shane Tombstoned JYJ on a chair and than gave him "Simply the best"Guilletine Leg Drop on to a chair .
WINNER - Marcus Shane
Heavyweight Championship/Weapons Match
Champ- Chaos vs. SoulMaster
Chaos started off the match with a fist of fury, and continued with a piledriver then to proceed to crack a bamboo stick over Soulmaster's head.Soulmaster came back after reversing a suplex then giving gut checks with wooden sticks.Chaos recovered after pulling a leg lock takedown and turning that into an anklelock. Chaos then gave him facebuster. Chaos set up a wooden piece of ply wood agaisnt the ladder and powerbombed Soulmaster through it. These two battled back and forth.Some moves Chaos did were corkscrew splash, garabage can hits, back-bodydrop, sidesuplex, and others with and without weapons.Soulmaster hit Chaos with another Bamboo stick and some moves accomplished by Soulmaster were Flying Closetline, headscissors takedown, stunner and others.The match was ended when Soulmaster was down and Chaos moved the table into the ring. Chaos pushed SOulmaster up the ladder and the skalled it to the top.Chaos went to throw Soulmaster and it was reveresed to see both men fall threw. The match came to a draw/double count-out.Chaos retains title while Triple Threat attacked Chaos to be saved by Commissioner Bo.
Heatwave started out by acting comminiser Brisco Bo coming out and stating
that the mainevent has been changed to the Crippler Vin Dargush and Junk
Yard Jeff for the N.E.W. heavyweight championship title. Brisco then
stripped Chaos of the title. He siad that Choas has not been defending his
title enough, and his oppenets were Chaos's own hand picked. Chaos then
came down to the ring to attack Bo,but Mr. X and Bo beat down Chaos then Bo ended up piledriving, and then
giving Chaos a Brisco ddt which pissed off Chaos who ran to the back after Brisco.
This was the opening match of Heatwave. Both wrestlers are new-comers to
the N.E.W. The first few minutes of this match both wrestlers mainly
checked each other out and see what each other had. Assassin delivered a side slam and then a
hard DDT to finally pin Adam.
The soulmaster said that he fired Marcus Shane and Bardzilla from the
triple threat because they performing well enough, the new two members will
be reveled later on tonight.
Bardzilla hit the crow right off the bat with the garbage can lid to knock
him out. The two battled it out, and Bardzilla finally pinned the Dream
with a back breaker. The Crow then got up and viciously attacked Bardzilla
with a piece of ply wood. Bardzilla came back with a few powermoves, but
after so many shots with a garbage can, Bardzilla just couldn't get up.And Crow pinned Bardzilla after a Tornado type DDT.
JYJ came down and said he wasn't happy with himself and he was changing his
gimmick to become The Franchise. He then burnt his JYJ vest after several tires.
He then introduced his new bodyguard Rock Hard Brick Douglas. He said he
would help him to get the world championship title.
This match was called the match of the bodyguards. Mr. Sex stood passive in
the coroner of the ring while the other two battled it out. Douglas showed
some real nice moves to pin the mighty Iron Head but to see these two men deliver impressive moves like a side slam from Douglas and a powerslam from Madison. Mr. Sex then quickly
pounced on Douglas after he was gloating over the pin of Madison. Douglas
put up a good fight but Mr. Sex was just too much. Your winner: Mr. Sex. after a Ring Riot powerbomb
Both wrestlers making there N.E.W. debut here, showed that they are made of
the right stuff the N.E.W. needs. Rage showed us his power but picking up
Diamond over his head numerous times,Diamond hit a pedigree but Rage came back with a firemans carry into a fallaway slam.Diamond then became furious to knock out the ref and to see a mysteriuos man piledrive Rage and put Ray on him for the pin.
Both men withstood a long and grueling match. Both men using aerial
maneuvers as well as technical moves. But after the smoke cleared, it was
the prince of pain that came out on top with a frog splash.
CHAOS VS. SOULMASTER (extreme title match)
Chaos started the match with a toe lock takedown into a dominator.Then exectued a piledriver and a
tombstone.Soulmaster came back with a chop punch to the throat and a bulldog.He then did a headscissors takedown.The sides switched with Chaos pulling off a huge splash, a facebuster, a powerbomb onto a 2 x 4 and a powerslam.Soulmaster did a suplex and slammed a garabage can chaos's head. After Chaos retained control he put SOulmaster threw two tables stacked up off a ladder.Chaos also threw Soulmaster into a chair that was wedged and which tripped his over a garabge can onto another can.
Then Chaos hd control until Soulmaster kicked out. Then taking his time Chaos went to the top of the ladder and went for a SPlash on Soulmaster but Soulmaster tripped the ladder and chaos went threw face first. Soulmaster get s the victory.
The match started out by Mr. Sex announcing Bo down to the ring. Bo came
down, getting the biggest pop of the night! Bo then screamed at Mr. Sex for
not wearing the suit he bought him earlier. Bo slapped Mr. Sex and told him
to stand in the corner. Parillo came down to the ring only to be viciously
attacked by Bo. The two fought back to the dressing room where Bo
repeatedly slammed Joe into the stable door. The two fought back to the
ring, where Joe was meet by a hard knee lift. The two fought it out until
Mr. Sex attacked
Bo then left for the dressing room. Parillo came back with vicious shots to
Bo's head, almost knocking him out. Joe delivered a piledriver, bodyslam
and a atomic drop to lay Bo right out. Joe got cocky and wasted some time.
This enabled Bo to comeback and deliver a stunning Brisco DDT, then a
sleeper to win the United States Championship. Your winner and New Champ,
Brisco Bo.
The Crippler vs. The Franchise(Heavyweight Championship)
This was a grueling math-up between these two men.Crippler hit a suplex, powerslam,Death Valley Driver, powerbomb, and a tiltawhirl slam.But the Frnachise recovered by executing a Junkyard Drop but Crippler kicked out, a elbow drop, smashing a piece of ply wood over Cripplers back, and a powerbomb to Cripplers neck area.Crippler with the advantage smasm a tv dinner try over Franchise's head.They battled back and forth but when The Franchise went for a hurricanrana Crippler powerbombed him and strapped on the Crippler Cross Over. Crippler is the champ.
Brisco Interview
This awesome NEW pay per view kicked off as the ring announcer Roberto Millan come down to the ring and announced 2 matches for tonight , and also anounced the current Commishioner and US champ , "skitzo" Brisco Bo .
Today Bo had a very simple interview which he bascially stated the the main event for tonight will be Chaos vs. "the crippler" Vin Dargush for the NEW heavy weight championship.
Handicap Match:Bardzilla vs. Rags and Multipersonaltiy Mike
Mulitpersonality Mike and RAGs had to take on NEWs big man Bardzilla for the 1st match of the night . This was basically a one sided match with Bardzilla doing many power moves to the 2 small men such as power bomb and chock slam . After about 5 mins. the 2 little men got the mammoth Bardzilla down , but that was no help because after Bardzilla powerbomed RAGS the match was over and Bardzilla got the easy 1-2-3 . After the match the Rat Pack came down to the ring and beat the piss out of bardzilla.
Winner - Bardzilla (via pinfall)
"Crippler" Interview
"the Crippler" came down to the ring and basically said that tonight in the main event he was keepins his belt . Also he introduced the "new and improved" Total Destruction with new member Shane Steel .
Rage vs. "Iron Head" MIke Madison
In this match both of these two men battled back and fourth . many moves were executed such as ddt's by both men , in alot of this match the 2 men used cookie sheets to punish each other . Both of the wrestlers were hit repeditally by the cookie sheets . This match came to an end when the ref. got knocked out and The Crow came down to the ring and gave Mike Madison a powerful reverse ddt which left Madison knocked out . The ref. regained conciousness shortly after that and rage covered Madison and got the pin .
Winner - Rage (via pinfall)
Squege vs. Adam "absolute" Tegander
This match was basically a joke to the newcomer Squege . Tegnander was distracted when Squege hit him in the back by a metal sheet . This brought Tegnander to the ground and Squege did a forward summer sault onto Tegnander and got the pinfall. This match lasted about 15 seconds , this could symbloize things to come for Squege here in NEW.
Winner - Squege (via pinfall)
"Smokin" Joe Parillo vs. The Crow
These 2 powerhouses had a very good match . There were many powerful moves and Joe used his boxing backround to help aid him in this match . But his boxing backround didnt help him enough because The Crow gave Parillo his powerful reverse ddt and it looked to me like Joe could have seriously hurt his neck after this move . the Crow got the pin , but of course the Rat Pack come down to the ring and jumped the Crow .
Winner - The Crow (via pinfall)
Phytisco Brisco Bo vs. "Rock Hard" Rick Douglas
As usual in Bos matches this was a wild one . During this match Bo actually bit dougless many times . Also Bo (for his first time) went thorugh a table . After Bo went thorough the table twice he had a big cut on his side but thats nothing new here in NEW . Dougless also showed his wrestling skills during this match up doing moves such as piledrivers and chock slams . This match winded down as both men battled back to the dressing area and got counted out . So Bo retains his U.S belt.
Winner - none ( double count - out)
Triple Threat Match: Prince of Pain vs. the Franchise vs. Shane Steel for the Extreme Title
This match will go down in the NEW books as possibly one of the best matches in history. This was an all out brawl , extreme , just all out war between these three men. There were many power moves done such as power bombs and supplexes . Also these men used ariel moves such as frog splashes , crossbodys , and flying closelines . But, most of this match was just extreme . At one point in this match the Farnchise and Shane Steel actually got stuck togather with barbed wire . Both of these men were bleeding from their arms . But The Franchise got P.O.P out with a crossbody off of the ladder . That left Steel and the Franchise left to battle it out . Shane Steel ends up on top after he places a steel tray on the Franchise and does a flying elbow off the top of the ladder and this helps Steel get the easy 1-2-3.
Heavyweight Championship:the Crippler vs. Chaos
The match started off when these two locked up and Chaos threw some jabs then a inverted tigerbomb.Chaos threw the Crippler into the crowd and followed up with a splash onto the crippler and the audience.Chaos tried a piledriver but he was flipped over and the Crippler took control.Crippler went for a powerbomb but ti was reversed into a frankensteiner and Chaos followed up with a Flatliner and legdrop. Chaos went up top and the Crippler came back by putting Chaos on his shoulders but Chaos changed it into a roll up and a moonsault.Crippler came back with a firemans carry into a flip.Crippler then hit a huge suplex, pump handle suplex, and a double arm-bar suplex.Crippler body slammed Chaos on the ladder and slammed the ladder on Chaos repeatively.Chaos returned with spinning heel kick into a chair that Crippler was holding onto.Chaos then hit a bulldog off a ladder and a piledriver.Chaos put Crippler on a barbwire table and went up the ladder for a moonsault but Crippler grabbed Chaos and powerbomb Chaos threw the table with barbwire on it. Crippler only got a 2 count.They fought back and forth and Chaos even went into the crowd only to see a fan lip get busted open and for Crippler to flatten the 1st row.Crippler hit a rising ddt threw a small table the a Melt-Down(Pumphandle postion into a powerslam) for the 1...2...3.Crippler retains the title.
Brisco Interview
Roberto Millian annouced some matches and a terrible note that this is one of NEW's last event then introduced Bo.
"Scitzo" Brisco Bo came down to the ring for his usual interview.
He said he would fight Chaos tonight and was going to win he made some wise remarks to other wrestlers and fans. He also made fun of a NEW executive counsel member John Woodbeck.
John Woodbeck interview
John came down to the ring and said now that he was here Brisco Bo could not make any decisions unless he clearified it with him and that he couldnt try to control NEW.He is an acting president until the real president returns.
Bardzilla vs. the 3 Rat Pack members
Rat Pack members were Rags, SMokin Joe PArillo, and new member Adam tegander. MR. Sex was there but was out with a wrist injury.
This match was Bardzillas until THey all jumped him and everyone was concerend after the big guy, until Johnny PAradise came running down with a huge applausse and his music, he ran into the ring only to throw his hat at Tegander and attack Bardzilla being the new member to join the Rat Pack.They also made him join the Rat Pack by using RAGS's rag. Bardzilla tired to walk back into the dressing rom while the PACK went to the woods.The Rar Pack ran after the monster.
TAGTEAM Championship:Bobby Taylor and AMAM vs. The Rat PAck
Bobby and AMAM came down to the ring with a new attitude and attire.The crowd and commentators were amazed. Until their music staryted to get a little faster and they ripped off the muscle shirts and sweats and were shown to be wearing there traditional wrestler suits. They havent changed.Rat Pack came out of the woods.They fought where AMAM went to hit Rags with a metal sheet but hit himself instead.PArillo hit s suplex and piledriver while rags choked out Taylor.AMAM missed the mama's elbow.This match was pretty much the Rat PAcks and it was when PArillo made Bobby Taylor submitted to an armbar. Then AMAM pinned Bobby not even knowing what happened or what he did.The Rat PAck grabbed the titles but when AMAM and Taylor tried to celebrate with the Pack they were chased to the back except AMAM who was beaten.
US Championship: Chaos vs. Champ-"Scitzo" BRisco Bo
Chaos and Bo locked up until Chaos applie a headlock and some knees to bos midsection, Chaos out of nowhere hit a facefirst Inverted Tigerbomb. BRisco tookawhile to get up but came back with a headlock into a bulldog. They battle back and forth. Chaos hit a ddt on a chair and a piledriver but BO used his smart thinking and hit Chaos with a chair on the back and a garbage can lid to Chaos's face.Bo then used some weapons to beat chaos with and hit a Brisco DDT on the ground. Chaos returned with a missle dropkick, Flatliner, legdrop, and scoop slam.Bo also hit a backbreaker, and some knife edge chops.The crowd along with the commentators thought the match was over when Chaos hit TOTAL Chaos his modiefied Death Valley DRiver but Bo kicked out at the last millisecond!!!!This was a battle and another part where everyone thought it was over was when the ref was knocked out and "SCITZO" Brisco Bo strapped on his sleeper but Chaos struggled not to give up but out of no where Marcus Shane hit Bo with a chair across the back of Bo and helped Chaos up only to hit # 71 for Mark Mcgwire across Chaos head.Shane lead Chaos on BO but Chaos rolled off Bo who was down and Chaos set him up for the ride of his life, a tornado
DDT of the ladder and nailed the pin, U.s belt, and first ever Grand Slam
Champion.President John Woodbeck awarded Chaos his US belt and Marcus Shane returned to beat on BO until officials broke it up. After the match Bo had his spine x-rayed and it seemed to be
that his spine is chipped and he will be out a good 5-7 months
Primus vs. Fatty Patty
Primus dominated this Russian
Ambassador and got the pin after a monsterous splash.
Triple Threat Extreme Championship:Marcus Shane vs. Shane STeel vs. The Franchise
Had to be the best match on the card by a long shot. One
of the best of the year, each wrestler dominated at one point using very
technical but extreme moves. Shane performed a double people's elbow on
the other two but it didn't seem very effective because moments latter
Shane was pinned by Steel and sent back to the locker room. After awhile
of battling it out between the two superstars, Shane returned to the ring
and snuck in "Simply the Best", a guliatine leg drop on to a cookie sheet,
the new president, Mr. Woodbeck came down tp the ring and demanding Shane
back to the locker room. After that, The Franchise gave Steel two,
count'em, two, power bombs onto the cookie sheet and than a Junkyard Drop
onto the cookie sheets. He got the pin and his first ever Extreme Title.
Heavyweight Championship:Crippler vs. Prince of Pain vs. Rage
Decent match with some highlights and lowlights. Crippler
played possum for the begining part of the match and let speed go up
against Power as Rage and POP battled it out. When Rage had his back
turned Crippler connected on a spinning heel kick and when POP had his back
turned he applied a double underhook suplex onto him and landed the
cruiserweight onto Rage. Latter into the match, the mean were throwing
lefts and rights until The Crippler and POP clicked somehow and ganged up
on Rage, with a double suplex, a splash by each man and than finished him
with a double Rock Bottom Slam, Crippler than got the pin and walked back
stage with POP.
Backstage after FRight Night
Backstage after the event: The camera crew caught Scitzo Brisco Bo
brutually attacking a man which look and seemed to be Marcus Shane. He
smashed Shanes head on a wall twice and started brutally kicking him and
cameras went off the air