The House of Andromeda
Thou hast entered the main hallway of the House... a large circular room lit by the flickering flames of candles and tourchlight....
Upon entering the main hallway thou canst make out several doors before thee... each leading to another hallway with more doors of different sections of the House....
Each door bears a plaque engraved in mystic runes that glow slightly... below the runes rest an english translation...
Before thee lays a podium with a large tome... several pages are torn out... As to keep it updated... as if the House members alone would know all the entries... It appears to be a Guest Register...
View those that came before thee
Add thy own entry to the book ....
As thee turn away from the book the notice a scroll laying above it on the podium that thou art more than certain was not there before... Opening the scroll there is a brief discription of what lays beyond each doorway...
These are those other houses and groups that the House is affilated with one way or another... More histories of each group and House lay within... but only what may be told to outsiders at first glance...
Gothically Elegant
The House of Andromeda's original webring, for all sites that present the dark side of the gothic world in an elegant manner. We also offer an award for the best sites in the ring. View the member sites, or join up thy own page.
House Members
Beyond this doorway lay the personal chambers of the surviving members of the House... Here thou canst learn the histories and secrets that they may choose to share....
Internet Related
These are those things which are more "webpage" related... And do not nessacarily have anything to do with the House itself... Awards the House gives and has won are found here... along with the Gothically Elegant Webring... A virtual gifts section... links... and various other aspects of cyberspace...
Meeting Places
Here lay the various rooms of the House where one may speak and/or leave messages for others... Where gatherings and parties are held... and announcements are made... Our chat rooms are located within....
Room of the Dark Poetress
Here rests collected works of poetry from House members as well as passerbys and friends... Short stories and other works of writing may be found or submitted to be shown in here...
Vampyric Lore
As it states... Various legends... Facts... Links... and thoughts on the origin of the nosferatu...
Here lays some information on Witchcraft and Paganism... along with personal viewpoints and links to informative webpages to be found online...
Having read the scroll... Thee look up to the various doors...
Dost thou care to enter a room?
