Most Recent Updates: PROFILE--3/30/03;Survival Page-- 4/15/02; NEW Survey--4/24/02
This web site is dedicated soley to me in a blatant display of pointless narcissism. Formerly, this site has been dedicated to various and sundry other hopeless and equally pointless persuits, but here it shall stay....forever. It is recommended (although not necessary) that you view it using Internet Explorer 4.0 or better, that you set your screen resolution to 640X480 or better and that you send me large amounts of U.S. currency in small bills and change. I also recommend using the Automatic setting for your temporary internet files (this way my links flash right). Please go here if you have no idea what I'm talking about to make sure you're using it.
Below you shall find a few items of varying degrees of uselessness to you. They are, by design, no good to anybody and I highly recommend going somewhere else. However, if you wish you may click on one of the links below to go to a destination of sorts. If you have any questions, The Magic Web Ball will answer them as truthfully and completely as I would myself.
I dub the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King "The Movie That Never Ends." You might even say it has a dozen endings, that play sequentially. The first 3 hours are good though. See The Last Samurai first, it kicks @$$.
Do something entirely unproductive with your precious time on earth:
Sign My Guestbook
Positively Ancient Survey Results: Favorite Movie Characters
Underwear Survey: Boxers or Briefs?
A site for creating sore eyes:
View My Guestbook!
Come have the secrets of the universe revealed to you by the:
Information on the last person on earth you needed info on:
Me, I, Myself, Yours Truly, Guess Who..
And lastly, for all of those people out there who need a laugh and aren't going to get one because I'm not funny:
A (very poor) Attempt at Humor
Let me know what you think, send your comments, suggestions, hatemail, advertisements, and of course compliments to Although I have traditionally never actually read any email, I've started and will be checking it from time to time.
As of now this site is proudly wasting the time of viewer number
, that's you.
No pixels were harmed more than deemed necessary by my lawyers during the production of this web site.
All rights up for grabs, 199?-2004.