Cheese Monkey

Everyone knows that cheese monkeys are the funniest thing since chairs, and I thought that I might show all you people what I mean.

If you were a monkey made entirely of cheese, would you have skin like the kind that forms on nacho cheese in the microwave? Or would your cheese be self-contained?


If you spontaneously became a monkey made entirely of cheese, would you be attracted to other cheese monkeys, or would you still be attracted to humans?

By: Mike Sicking

If you were a monkey made entirely of cheese, would there be different kinds of cheese for different races of cheese monkeys? And would the brand of the cheese distinguish your social status?


If you were a monkey made entirely of cheese being kept in captivity, and they cross-bred you with as human, would the offspring go on to produce numerous episodes of Full House?


If you were a monkey made entirely of cheese, would you turn all blue if you hadn't had a bath in a while?


If you were a monkey made entirely of cheese and you were starving so you took a bite of your tail then after you digested it then crapped it out, would it be re-eatable since your intestines are made out of cheese anyway?


If you were a monkey made entirely of cheese, would you have special knives to spread human flesh onto crackers as a food to eat at parties?


If you were a monkey made entirely of cheese, would your cheese bruise easily? Would you have to wear special cheese monkey knee and elbow pads?


If you were a monkey made entirely of cheese and you cut yourself really bad, could you squirt some of that eazy cheeze stuff into the wound and be ok again?

By:Bob Kaestner

If you were a monkey made entirely of cheese, would you manufacture human flesh in a can and call Human Whiz?


If you were a monkey made entirely of cheese, and you were a slutty monkey, would you be easy cheese?

By:Dan Mooney

If you were a monkey made entirely of cheese, would you have to bathe in a vat of milk daily to keep your cheesy skin from getting all crusty and hard?


If you were a monkey made entirely of cheese, would you have organs like kidneys and a liver? And if so, would they be made of cheese also?


If you were a monkey made entirely of cheese,would you be an endangered species? Would people hunt cheese monkeys for their high grade of monkey cheese?


If you were a monkey made entirely of cheese and you put a match in front of your butt right before you let out a monstrous fart, would you have flaming monkey cheese flying out of your ass?


If you were a monkey made entirely of cheese, and you were the president of a large chip company, would you put small chunks of cheese monkey guts in a bag and call 'em cheetos?

Controversial Topics for Further Analysis:

Cheese Monkeys: Really made entirely of cheese? What are organs of Cheese Monkeys Made of?

What kind of bodily fluids do Cheese Monkeys have?
If you have any questions, comments, advice, feedback, handy tips, suggestions, criticism, compliments, please E-mail me.