Last Updated: June 27th, 2000

These are stories I have read over and over again, or have been so darn good that my mouth opened in sheer shock, or have made me turn so green with envy that I've had to hire some er... well, never mind. So, here we go (all linked for your viewing pleasure):

Ainon ~ Obligations Among Men
Summary: There are times when the thing that matters most is knowing the things that matter to a friend.

Want an alternative ending to 'Brand X'? Want some angst? Want some Langly action? A fantastic story that is nothing but sad -- but in an achingly good way.
Westshore ~ Specimen 51
Which can be found exclusively at X-Clusively Our Opinion

Summary: A woman scientist, faced with a personal life crisis, discovers a mysterious young prisoner who needs her help to recover what was taken from him -- his memories. In return, the handsome stranger helps her to learn that memories and fears are not the sum total of who we each are.

Another oldie, but no one was happier than I (me?) when Anna kindly pointed out where the story was archived when it was pulled from Gossamer. Another Mulder angst-fest, and an original plot line give this story a satisfying kick.
Amanda Finch ~ The "Out of..." Cycle
Summary: Mulder's got the anger, the means for revenge. What's the hold-up?

This story literally had me drooling in absolute euphoria. Considering that the series is so angsty and dark that it's heart attack inducing, only speaks to the sick nature of my mind. Fantastic. Fabulous. My e-mail to Amanda was 100% gush.
Lonegunguy ~ The Tiger Complex
Summary: While investigating a gruesome catastrophe in the Amazon rain forest, Mulder and Scully struggle against a mysterious killer, their own suspicions and the unforgiving jungle itself.

A great, page-turning (text scrolling?), original X-File. Great characters, great plot, great mystery. Reminded me a lot of Richard Preston's books... but better.
Summer ~ Code
Summmary: Mulder's ability to read minds in "Biogenesis", rendered in text.

A challenging read, but very original, and worth the effort. In my mind, this is one of the few stories that accurately depicts Mulder's state of mind (or lack of one...)
Shalimar ~ Like Runes Written On A Night Sky
Summary: post episode The Unnatural

Bittersweet angst with a perfect ending that makes you feel for both Mulder and Scully. A nice, short glimpse into both their lives and feelings for each other.
Amperage ~ Bargains
Wow. Original treatment of the entire Scully cancer-arc in two short what-if-type stories. Accurately depicts how desperate Mulder and Scully might have been.
Sue Etsy ~ The Gift
Summary: Dana tries to buy Mulder a Christmas present, but something is very, very, VERY wrong.

Honest to goodness, this story had tears running down my eyes. Suffice to say, this glimpse into the future of Mulder and Scully is an incredibly sad read, but well worth it.
YouKneek and Sheare Bliss ~ Playing For Keeps
Which can be found exclusively at The Annex

Summary: Conspiracy Angstarama. The season five we'd like to see.

Angstarama and Mulder torture galore. But all very plausibly done, with all the other XF secondary characters also playing a key role. Entering the fan fic world at 700+ kigabytes, it's a biggie, but well worth the time.
Tim Scott ~ Satori
Summary: Part 4 of the Ragnarok Cycle

Perhaps one of the few MSR/SMUT stories that I could read from start to finish. Perhaps the huge dollop of angst that's in the story had something to do with it :)
LuvMulder, Joann Humby, and Anonymous ~ Lammtarra
Summary: Mulder spirals down the darkness when he begins to believe that an old ISU friend of his, who had apparently committed suicide, was really murdered by a dastardly elusive killer.

Dark and scary -- another Profiler!Mulder story that is simply frightening. A great, believable look into Mulder's ISU past, which includes the boss we all love to hate, Bill Patterson.
Dawson E. Rambo ~
In Vino Veritas
Another really well-written glimpse into the feelings of Mulder and Scully (aided by some alcohol), that takes place after a horrific case.
Rebecca Rusank ~ Anticipation and Anticipation II: You Can't Always Get What You Want
Summary: I've been watching you for a long time...

Scary, scary, scary. Ever wonder how easy it is to catch a Fox? Nothing is more fearful that a woman scorned...
Rebecca Rusnak ~ Dear Scully
Summary: An experiment. Mulder. Letters to Scully.

One of my favorite authors of all time. The summary says it all -- I couldn't possibly say anything else without ruining the story. Very poignant.
cslatton ~ Mercury Falling
A Profiler!Mulder pre-XF story that is a Work in Progress, and can be found at cslatton's Home Page.

Summary: It's 1988 and Wheeling, West Virginia has a serial killer on the loose. One who kills to attract the attention of a very exclusive audience: a young, hot shot profilers named Fox Mulder.

I admit, I have a very unhealthy fetish for Profiler!Mulder stories. Very angsty -- very reminiscent of Amperage's "Oklahoma", but stands on it's own.

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