Last Updated: January 22, 2001

For Reading Fan Fiction:
The Gossamer Project The mother of all X-File fan fiction sites. 'Nuff said.
Ephemeral The X-Files fan fiction auto archive. A good place to go if you don't have access to atxc and want to read all the current stories.
Chronicle X A smaller archive, that is a good place to start reading fan fiction. It has many other links, interviews with authors, and a help section for those first time authors.
X-Files Fan Fiction Links By far the most comprehensive source of X-File links to everything and all things fan fiction.
The Annex A site dedicated to the longer fan fic novels (+200kb) out there. A nice hot drink and comfortable chair are recommended.
MulderTorture Anonymous Notice a trend? I *live* for angst. This is yet another site dedicated to angst, but that of our favorite male federal agent.

For Writing Fan Fiction:
The *New* Deep Background Pellinor, one of the foremost angst writers, started a list of links for writers needing that extra, detailed *oomph* for their novels. Her fine tradition is being carried on at its new site.
Episode Reviews Not really a research site, per se, but Laura Burchard has compiled a list of reviews from other X-Philes. It's a good site to the nitty gritty details you might not be able to find in the official XF site.
Tiny Dancer's Post Episode Site In the same vain as Laura Burchard's site, Tiny Dancer has compiled transcripts and episode reviews -- one of the best X-File sites out there.

Miscellaneous Sites:
The *New* Official X-Files Web Site Yummy! The official site has been revamped with images, frames, and a groovy opening sequence. If you can somehow ignore the huge, honking advertisements you'll love the multimedia and those ever-wonderfully vague episode summaries.
X-Files Reviews and Ratings At this site you can make like Gene Siskel and critique the episodes. You can rate the episodes out of ten, or write your own comments.
Haven's Spoilers An awesome site for spoiler info and pictures. It's updated everyday, and the site is bee-you-tiful.

Authors' Sites:

As I've gradually been moving away from X-Files fan fiction, I am unfamiliar with many of the newer authors. Here is a list to start with... but it is by far only the tip of a gigantic iceberg.

Livia Balaban

Susanne Barringer

Cerulean Blue and Pinkus



Ashlea Ensro

Joann Humby





Mustang Sally and Rivka T

Vickie Moseley

Anna Otto


Karen Rasch

Tim Scott


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