These are some of the loony people that I hand out with. I have a few of thier pictures up now, maybe I will eventually get more, but then again, maybe not. I'm just lazy like that.

Shawn: Shawn is a very important person in my life. I have been dating him for over a year and a half (minus 2 months where we were broken up). My parents absolutly despise him, but i feel much differently on that subject then they do.

Colin:I love Colinto death. He and I have been through quite alot together. Stalker boyfriends, heroin girlfriends, you name it, we've been through it. We have several fundamental differences on things, but we always seem to get around that. He was the very first person that I became good friends with when i moved here.

Sophia: I could write pages upon pages on Sophie because we have so much in common. She is like me without all the violence. She just recently got a full scholarship to an academy of the arts on some mountain in California. I miss her dearly and am going insane with out her to talk to (notice she is one of very few girls mentioned here)

Cammy: One of the first people i became friends with when i moved here.

Derek: He is a walking cloud of darkness...

Frank (aka the gay kid): Frank is a very fun person to be around when he actually comes home. right now he is away at college, so that isn't to often.

Bill: Bill is one of my very best friends. Things have been kinda shakey between us as of late, but I think that things will get better. He and I are so much alike and have been so close in the past, I can't see myself not being best friends with him. UPDATE: well things haven't gotten better. Bill and I don't really talk anymore. He's being an asshole about it and won't tell me why either.

Marko: He is also a very silly person. He protects me when big scary people attack me (yes, this happens alot)and neither of us are tickelish.

Dan V.: One of the few other people that i know who are just as ticklish as I am. He makes silly faces if u stick out your tounge at him.

Dan A.: His webpage speaks for it's self.

Morgan: Since he's perfect, and I know everything, we get along fine.

Jon: He is a really cool kid that had to be stupid and move far away. Sometime's he comes back and we have ton's 'O fun. He is far more observent then people give him credit for.

Mark: Mark is one of the most emo kids that i know, but he has an incredible talent in drawing with piolet pens.

Dan H.: He is the biggest person i know, i mean this kid is huge! He is a very silly person (as most of my friends are), and is lots of fun to be around.

Ben: Lately ben and i have become very close. He has been there for me when other people were busy being jack-asses.

Karl Tin: One of the first people that i met here. we had too much fun in health class (bill too)

Dave E.: He is a loony person, just like me, only he is a bat instead of a bunny. I don't spend nearly enough time with this kid, but hopefully that will change soon. He is the one that made up the beerjock song.

Dave M.(aka fuzzy hair dave): dave is a kid that i met last year in a painting class. since then, he has gone straight-edge (a BIG change) and is one of the people that i'm glad to call my friend.

Alex: I have only recently started really talking to Alex. I met him last year, but never really had a conversation with him. He is one of the most senseable people that i know and gives excellent advice, i just wish i would listen to all of it.

Steve-I thought that i'd finally add steve to this list instead of continuing his bitching punishment. Steve is one of my very best friends. We have some really screwed up conversations, but it's still fun. He's in Germany for the summer, and i miss him.