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rotating Rob's head


rotating Rob's head

An informal Web-resumé
Thank you for stopping by!

BASIC BIO: My name is Robert Wallace, but I'm known to friend and foe alike as Rob. I'm a freelance artist, a writer, a poet, and a computer geek of modest expertise. I'm born and raised in Southern California, and I still live here, in the little town of Rosamond, near Mojave.


BACKGROUND: Basically, I have an entrepreneurial history. I've made my money primarily in insurance sales, retiring from my own agency after 8 years. I've also worked for 4 years in advertising, both on accounts and in ad design. I still design ad copy, as well as work up logos, letterhead, posters, banners, etc. When not pursuing my artistic endeavors, I sell antique silver and other collectibles on EBAY.

But my first love has always been in arts and letters.

I've always enjoyed drawing. I've been drawing for more than 40 years. I've also experimented with other media besides pen and paper; most notably, I've experimented with computer-generated artwork. Examples of both are featured on my gallery pages.

I've also tried my hand at writing, though most of my published works are ghostwritten articles in various trade journals. I've sold a couple of short stories and a few poems; I decided to feature examples of the latter as they're less taxing on the sensibilities of the average time-constrained web page visitor.

EDUCATION: I'm currently a full-time student at Antelope Valley College, earning my degree in Computer Graphics. This web site is an example of my training; I've employed different design styles and techniques on each page to illustrate my burgeoning proficiency.

I've also attended a writing course, various sales, marketing, and agency management courses, and a few self-help seminars. Oh, and I graduated High School, but now we're talking ancient history.

MINUTIAE: Specific details, references, job histories, price queries, etc. are available upon request. Please see the CONTACT ME! page.