Pictures from
The Minnesota Renaissance Festival '98

Suddenly inspired while putting an antibiotic ointment on a cut, I came up with the following: You know you've been working Faire too long think that Neosporin is a new form of a Scottish clothing accessory. Brilliant? Probably not, but I like it.
Roll One

Roll Two

Roll Three

Guest Photos

A site dedicated to the MN Renaissance Festival fencing booth boothie, but for everyone who's ever heard the the questions: Is that bodice hot? Is that sword real?

Rosalily's RenFest Regalia. Comprehensive. MN REN FEST pictures and tame vilification insults.


All pictures (except those in the guest section) in the photo album section © Karen Scott. Not that I mind if you take them, or could do anything about it anyway :)

Festival Music Lyrics

Insults from Peasants' Vilification Tennis

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