Quantum Quest - The British Newsletter: 75 Friers Avenue, Delapre, Northampton NN4 8PX

Quantum Quest is an amateur, non-for-profit newsletter, produced by and for fans of Quantum Leap

As well as the latest Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell Info, the n/l includes recent QL news and book reviews and reviews of SB's and DS' movies etc. and, of course, loads of locs (letters of comment). Soon, much more will be added to this site including a pic of each of the front covers, some articles from back issues and some other stuff... suggestions from fellow Leapers would be very welcome!
The QL Net fiction reviews by Philippa Chapman are on-line now! Just follow this link.
These are just some of the special attractions each issue has. Please note however that these back issues are not available at present...
 #1 Late 1992  QL:The Pilot, TV AM interview with Scott Bakula
 #2 Feb. 93  Dean Stockwell: Film and TV Movie Credits, QL season 1 reviews, QL Episode Guide Pt.1
 #3 May. 93  More QL season 1 reviews, 2nd QL convention: Leapin' USA
 #4 July. 93   More QL season 1 reviews, DPB/DS/DS Con. Talk Pt 1
 #5 Oct. 93  Season 1:Overview, DPB/DS/DS Con. Talk Pt 2
 #6 Jan. 94  Season 2 review:Honeymoon Express, Comic reviews, QL Episode Guide conclusion
 #7 May. 94  More season 2 reviews, QL convention '94 report
 #8 July. 94  More season 2 reviews, Quantum Con '94 Q&A transcript Pt 1
 #9 Oct. 94  SB Credit Listing, More season 2 reviews, Quantum Con '94 Q&A transcript Pt 2
 #10 Feb. 95  More season 2 reviews, Quantum Con '94 Q&A transcript Pt 3
 #11 May. 95  Dean Stockwell: Film and TV Movie Credits Updated, More season 2 reviews, LeapCon '95
 #12 Aug. 95  Quantum Quest Survey Results, LeapCon '95 Q&A transcript Pt 1
 #13 Nov. 95   More season 2 reviews, LeapCon '95 Q&A transcript Pt 2
 #14 Feb. 96  Scott On Mark & Brian 23/8/95, A Leap for Lisa Timeline, LeapCon '95 Q&A transcript Pt 3
 #15 Apr. 96  LeapCon '96 Report, Lord Of Illusions Promo Tour transcript
 #16 July. 96  Accelerate '96 Report, LeapCon '96 DP/SB Talk Pt 1
 #17 Sep. 96  Accelerate '96 / Indy Leap '96 Reports, LeapCon '96 DP/SB Talk Pt 2, DPB Bio, QL Quiz
 #18 Dec. 96  Season 2 review: "Good Night, Dear Heart", QL Net fanfiction Reviews
 #19 Mar. 97  More QL Net fanfiction Reviews, At A Glance QL Book Review
 #20 Aug. 97  QL Considered As The Aquarian Tarot, Quantum Leaping With The 'Net, Nitpickers Guide
 #21 Jan. 98  More Internet Fiction Reviews, Last Seen Wearing:(sightings of QL guest stars in other things)
 #22 Jun. 98  SB on Rosie O'Donnell Show transcript 17/4/98, SB on Mark & Brian Show 4/98 Pt 1


Email Diane Fowler for further information and to mail your LOC to the n/l

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