Arachnid's Underground Lair

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note: some of these pictures are my own design. They are copyrighted by me. If you would like to use it, please contact me first. Depending on what you are asking for, I might let you use it.

November 11th, 1999

Over a Year

Wow, it has been over a whole year since I have updated. I'm sure you are all wondering where I have been. Well then I will tell you. What happened is that for a whole year, I had been downloading, and making MK related pictures, movies, etc. I had over a gigabyte worth of downloads just for MK. Somehow, everything was erased from my hard drive. I lost everything. I was pretty much heart broken. Because I knew that I could not do all of it again. It was just to much. So that is why I stopped updating. I will not get rid of this site, because I love it, and it shows something of my past>

Now I am into other games. I am very much into Half-Life, and the Team Fortress Classic Mod for it. I play that a great deal, and it is only a few days away from the release of the expansion pack: Half Life: Opposing Force.

The main site that I normally go for information on TFC is: Planet Fortress

So unfortunately, I will not be updating this site anymore. Maybe in the future I will turn it into something else. But for now, there are a few sites that I completely recommend you go to. The best sites around. They are:

The Realm of Mortal Kombat

MK Nightmares

(my personal favorite)

The Mortal Kombat Dominion

MKD won't we open for a while. But I know that one day they will be the best MK site in the world.

Remember, my site still has a great deal of information. And remember, part of my deleted information was the upgrade for this site. This site would of looked 10 times better. Oh well. Can't always change the past.

Well, this is it. There is a time when a gamer has to say good bye, and this is my time.

Good Luck MKD. Good Luck MKN. Good Luck TRMK.

And Most important of all...Good Luck Mortal Kombat...

Until Next Time,


May 15th, 1998

Just a few pics

Well, I thought I would take the little time I had to update. Just news for ya. Ed boon updated the MK4 Home Console page with some more downloads. Below are some pics from the high quality .mov. I don't know if it is the same as the .avi yet, I am downloading the avi right now to see if it is different. I will also have some pics of the other movie that he put on his page last week. Here are the pics:

Pic of the MK4 Logo
Quan Chi about to hit Sub-Zero
Quan Chi Hitting Sub-Zero
Sub-Zero laying on the ground from the hit.
Faraway pic of cage with his trophy.
Close up of Cage looking at his trophy
Far away view of shinnok with his arms raised, and raiden floating in the air helplesly.
A closer pic of Shinnok and Raiden.
Another close pic of Shinnok and Raiden
Last pic of Shinnok and Raiden
Close-up of Scorpion looking straight at you.
Another Close-up of Scorpion.
Far-away pic of Quan Chi.
Close up of Quan Chi
A close view of Raiden holding out his staff with electricity moving around it.
Another Close-up of Raiden
N64___PSX, June 98

I am sorry that it says FMV????.mov. I didn't have time to take that off. Sorry.

May 8th, 1998

Don't expect an update for awhile

Well, I have decided to redo my webpage. I have been making pics, And I would like to make this site look better. So I will be working on it for awhile. Come back every week to see if I say anything about the update. For now, just go to MKN, TRMK, or MK4EX for the latest news of MK.

April 27, 1998

MK2 Game Gear

The Mortal Kombat 2 Game Gear Moves page has been added. Go check it out. I should have some more MK2 stuff up tomorrow.

April 26, 1998

Moves Updated

The Moves page (html and text) have both been updated with the newest moves found, such as,

Scorpion's Stinger: B - F - D - U - HP (close)
Sonya's Leg Split: U - D - D - U - HK (outside sweep)
Liu Kang Throw and Fireball: F - D - D - U - HP (close)

It looks like its all over. But wait, have we found all the Kombat Kodes yet?

Links Updated

The links have been updated with to new sites. The sites are:

Scorpion's Realm of Mortal Kombat

Sub Zero's Realm of Mortal Kombat

April 25, 1998

Genesis Kodes are up

I finally got to getting the MK2 Genesis kodes on the page. I'm sorry it took so long. Also, tell me how you like the new logo. I would really like to know how you think it looks.

April 24, 1998

Ed Updates with MK4 Home Console

Boon finally updates with a MK4 Home. It reveals that the endings are fully animated now. Also check out the goro pic at the bottom of the page, its pretty cool.

Ed Boon e-mail Fake

Sorry, but its not true. It is what Ed Boon calls a YAFEBP (Yet Another Faked Ed Boon Post). Ed Boon sent an e-mail to TRMK that the e-mail was indeed fake. But there may still be some stuff about it that is true. Ed also sent them another short message that says:

Noob Saibot is in both the N64 and Playstation versions of MK4.

So that does it, we now know that noob is in.

April 23, 1998

New Version of MK4

Yesterday, MKD got an e-mail from Ed Boon that told him that there is a new version of MK4 coming out. There are two reasons(that I know of) of this. One, is that there have been tons of glitches found in Revision 3. Two, Ed got over 3500 e-mails from fans that they wanted Noob Saibot back. This probably bugged him alot. Here is what Boon said in the e-mail.

Subject: Noob
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 00:41:18 PYT

To whomever it concerns,

I suppose you will be glad to know that not only will Noob be in both home versions but he will be in the new bug fix for revision3. He is already in there but just commented out in the code.


April 22, 1998

2nd fatals have all been found

Well, its all over guys. All the fatals have been discovered. Yesterday MKX has reported that the last of the fatals have been found by JMK and Brandon Guimond. The movements for each of the fatals are:

Scorpion's Stinger: B - F - D - U - HP (close)
Sonya's Leg Split: U - D - D - U - HK (outside sweep)
Liu Kang Throw and Fireball: F - D - D - U - HP (close)

April 21, 1998

Here is the deal

I admit, that I have been a terrible web master in the last few weeks. But I am trying to do something for this web site so that I can put a lot more stuff on it. I will tell everybody what is going on once I have accomplished it. But I cannot reveal what has been happening. I am sorry for this.

April 19. 1998

More Second Fatals

Raidens Electric impalement, and Reptiles Acid Puke fatality have been found and confirmed. Here are the movements for each of the characters:

Electric Impalement: D - U - U - U - HP (close)

Reptile's Acid Puke Fatality : U - D - D - D - HP (outside sweep)

Be aware that Reptiles Acid Puke fatal freezes up the game when done on scorpion.

April 14, 1998

Reiko's Second Fatality Found

Reiko's Second fatal has now been found by Darell and Moe. The fatal has been confirmed buy AUL staff member, Arachnid. The movements are:

Reiko Multi-Shuriken Fatality: B - B - D - D - HK (Outside Sweep)

April 6, 1998

Reason why I haven't been here.Where have you been? You all might ask......AGAIN. Well, my internet provider was going to charge me $2.00 an hour, therefore I had to change internet providers. What ended up happening is something got messed up and I couldn't get connected to the internet. Finally I figured out the problem. I am sorry for this.

For past news articles, please click on the month that you would like to go to.
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