The Story of Final Fantasy VII begins with the Hero, Cloud in this case, is on a train to go to the City of Midgar. A somewhat hole of a city, which is under a huge plate that is sucking all of the mako energy out of the town and leaving it as a place for the slums. Then the train gets hi-jacked by the Rebel Group named AVALANCHE. So cloud helps this group, on the train for a small fee. He also helps them take out a reactor and learns that the reactors around the city of Midgar are sucking the life out of the planet. So he agrees to help them, and him being a former of the militia group SOLDIER, is a prime steal for Barrett and his companions. When they are through, all that cloud wants is his money, instead he gets an offer, that he cannot refuse. He thinks it will be an easy job, little does he know that his trek is only beginning.