A Day in the Life of Kessie    

     This is a new feature, and I don't even know where I got the idea for it! I tried to make it as interesting as I could, and it's actually funny sometimes! Okay, I know there are spaces in the times, but I couldn't remember my whole day exactly! And this is NOT going to be an every-day thing. That's mainly for two reasons: One, I don't have enough time to do one of these every day, and two, it would be inredibly boring, because some of my days get very repetitive. By the way, don't ask why it's written in
third-person (Thanks, Christoph for catching that! I was kinda blonde at the time of writing it...), present tense. I don't know, either.
tell me what you think about this, so I know whether or not to continue these, in case I have another interesting day!

          Tuesday, June 6th, 2000.
7:30--Kessie wakes up to the
awful squawking sound of her alarm clock. She groans, turns off the alarm, and stares at the ceiling for a while.
7:45--She falls back asleep
9:35--She wakes up again. She stumbles out of bed, and drags herself down the stairs to have some breakfast. Kessie decides to eat a healthful breakfast, but winds up eating two chocolate toaster strudels. She wonders why she didn't have toast, yogurt, a banana, and orange juice like she had planned. Her conclusion: she's too lazy to get all that food out of the fridge, cabinets, and wherever else it's kept.
9:55--Walks upstairs, still half asleep, and gets dressed, brushes her teeth, etc.
10:05--Looks around her room, and wonders how the heck it got so messy. She decides to clean it up.
10:07--Makes her bed and puts a book away.
10:09--Declares her room a hopeless case, and wanders over to her one true master--her computer.
10:15--Checks her e-Mail, and chats with her friends.
10:40--Glances at her clock and panics--she'll be late for her 11:00 riding lesson if she doesn't leave within 5 minutes.
10:44--Gets into car, thakful that her mom is nice enough to drive her everywhere.
10:56--Arrives at stables. Waits until the class before hers is over.
11:15--The lesson before her ends. Kessie fails to see the humor in the irony of the late class and her panic.
12:35--Her riding lesson has been over for about 20 minutes. Kessie's mom still hasn't come to pick her up! She was delayed because Kessie's little brother had an orthodontist appointment which ran late.
1:00--Arrives at school for a summer photography class...she's half an hour late, but it's okay, because it's a summer course, and it's relaxed.
2:03--Finds herself on her back lying on woodchips, with a camera up to her eye to get an interesting view of a swingset. She wonders if she's finally gone crazy.
3:15-4:50--Goes on an endless quest for ::laughs:: a sweater bag for storing winter clothes in the summer.Though the mission is somewhat unusual, her mom is very determined to find those darn sweater bags.
5:00--Works on this website (she writes the
Rebecca review).
6:15--Kessie finishes a roll of film by taking 5 pictures of her 2 dogs. She sighs in relief as she realizes she has something to develop for the photography class the next day.
7:10--Eats dinner. Realizes that the only thing she ate for lunch was a fast-food milkshake between her riding and photography class.
9:00--Watches Star Trek:Voyager. It's "Day of Honor"! Yaay! (Kessie likes that episode. She's for P/T.)
11:00--Chats with friends on instant messenger, and surfs the 'net.
12:00--Decides to go to bed. She's too tired to go anywhere but her bed, so she decides to delay showering till the next morning.
12:01--Is hit by an epiphany while tripping over stuff on her floor. It's the idea to do "A Day in the Life of Kessie".
12:02--Gets ready for bed and feeds her guinea pigs (They had been fed that morning, too--she's not starving them!).
12:17--Starts writing "A Day in the Life of Kessie".
12:51--Finishes it!
12:52--Puts the notebook she was writing in away.
12:53--Decides she DEFINITELY needs more sleep!
12:59--Falls asleep.