A Tribute to Horses
       (They really deserve it!)

    I have recently started horseback riding again (I stoped because my family moved, and I never took up lessons after that again until now--my teacher that I had before my current one wasn't good for beginners, he was better for older people who knew what they were doing. I was about 7 at the time. I think he kind of scared me off of it.) Anyway, I think I should have taken lessons again at that time, but I didn't until this summer.

     If you haven't ridden, you might not completely understand the wonder of these animals. Their sheer presence, though, is enough to put me in an excellent mood for the rest of the week. I take lessons on Thursdays, so I spend the whole week between lessons waiting for my next one. Then, on Thursday, I try to arrive a little early (lessons usually run late, so the one before my lesson usually runs over a bit, so I'm usually extra-early). Some riders who take lessons let the stable hands tack up, but I love to help, though I usually just take over! I brush the horse, pick out his/her hooves (I ride a couple of different horses, but lately I've been riding  a really sweet gelding  named Chief), and tack him/her up. Then I wait around with the horse until the lesson before mine comes inside. After getting on the horse and adjusting the stirrups, we go outside (unless the weather's bad), and the lesson begins. I enjoy every single second of it, and hate when it ends. After going back inside, I get off and untack the horse. This is another one of my favorite parts (heck, the whole time at the stables is my favorite part). After removing all of the horse's tack, I brush him/her off, and pick out his/her feet. It's usually very hot, so the horse gets sweaty, meaning I get to go outside and hose him/her down. Then I turn him/her out in the pasture that he/she belongs in.

     Every single moment spent with horses is so thoroughly enjoyable! They all have their own very distinct personality, and their own little quirks and habits. They're such wonderful animals, and you can tell when they appreciate something. Every time you ride, you learn something new. While tacking up and untacking, you learn so much about horses--how they're built, where they're  ticklish, and how to approach and handle them. While riding, you get to be part of how they move, think, and work. You feel like you are something bigger and better than human. Every time I get off, I feel so short and incapable, as if I'm missing something. They're absolutely incredible to be around, let alone ride. There's this aura surrounding them that tells you that they're intelligent, sweet, appreciative if you treat them well, and almost magical in a way.

     Yes, I'm obsessed, and I don't think my "short" description even half explains how wonderful they are. For me, there's nothing surprising at how so many young children want a pony. Unfortunately, only some childrens' dreams of ownership come true. Some just aren't "horse people", but love to admire them from afar, some don't have the opportunity, but some actually do come to own a pony or horse. I, for one, would be eternally grateful to my parents if they were to get a horse (my mom and one of my brothers ride, so it'd be enjoyable for them, too) for the family. My mom keeps telling me that it'd be a huge commitment, and that we'd have to go feed it and exercise it every day...hey, I'd pay to do that (but, if we would get a horse, we technically would be paying to do that...)! Gosh, I'd be so happy to go every day!!!! I wish I could take lessons every day, but that'd run on the expensive side...if I owned a horse, though, lessons would be less expensive, so I'd be able to take two lessons a week! And then I could ride on my own at other times.

     Anyway, I just felt like I had to include horses in my site, since they're such amazing animals. There's so much more to them than I've mentioned, but my fingers are beginning to get tired...if you can, just go an watch them for a bit, you'll see what I mean.