Kessie's Voyager Fanfiction (and more) Page!
   Hi, and welcome to my page! My e-mail address is It matches my "name"! I'm named after Kes and all... :-) Feel free to e-mail me with any questions, comments, or just to say hi! And yes, I know, I've been really lax on updating recently, but I'm getting back on track! Okay, navigating this little site is pretty easy: just click around! The whole thing's very basic!
to stumble upon this site!
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Click on the picture for my tribute to horses...I haven't been riding in a while, unfortunately, but I hope to start again soon!!!!!!
Star Trek: Voyager - This is where all my fanfiction is posted. I update somewhat frequently (when TPTB don't get in the way, lol), and most of my work is, so far, J/C (Janeway/Chakotay).
Poll - I might be adding and changing some questions soon. So far there's only one, and it's Voyager-related. Please go vote!
Kessie's Ponderings - Basically some useless blabbering, but some of it makes sense in a way. I just question the inquestionable, I guess...
A Day in My Life - Strange. It's sort of an outline of an interesting day I had--for summer standards. I comment on things I did and places I went. Dang, I really need to update this, but most of my interesting days have been, er, forgotten...I'll update as soon as something vaguely new happens!
About Me - Just some general info if you're interested.
E-Mail Me - Feedback for me? Please? Let me know what you think about my site!
Disclaimer: All characters, quotes, phrases, items, ideas, and general things related to Star Trek belong to Paramount. I am not being paid for my fanfiction and Star Trek mentionings, though that would be nice! It all belongs to Paramount, which belongs to Viacom, which belongs to some wealthy person or persons. My ideas are my own, though. Anyway, please don't sue me, I'm trying not to spend any extra money, because it'd be nice if my parents would buy me a horse. Sigh, I wish...Oh, yeah, and Wal*Mart belongs to...somebody.
Music - My comments on music, bands, singers, etc. A list of my favorites and some honorable mentions.
There is often an advertisement window here, so I left it blank. Then it looked too empty, so I put this here. Wow. Fascinating, or what?
Links - Links to some Star Trek and some non-Star Trek sites.
My guinea pigs! Pigtures and profiles for all the little wheekers.
Last updated: November 4th, 2000
Dictionary For the Confused - Well, it's basically a weird list of definitions for things that I mention that don't always make sense. I'm still adding to it, I believe there's only an entry or two so far.
Pages With a Point/Purpose
Pages With No Point Whatsoever