Greenskin's Grab Bag

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Reviews of recent Hulk comics

Incredible Hulk #107 and World War Hulk #1 ** WORLD WAR HULK gets off the ground! ** (6/22/07)

Incredible Hulk #106 and World War Hulk #Prologue ** WORLD WAR HULK begins! ** (5/13/07)

June, 2007

-Updated Reviews.

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The Hulk movie

The Movie

My review of Ang Lee's The Hulk movie!

Herb Trimpe


An exclusive interview with Silver Age Artist Herb Trimpe; artist on The Incredible Hulk #109-193

Rolling Stone interview with the Marvel Bullpen


Flashback to the 1970's and read a rare article on the Marvel Bullpen in Rolling Stone magazine
Plus, an index of issues



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Find a Hulk Comic


Your source to classic reprints of Hulk comics



The nexus of all Internet realities for Hulk



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Disclaimer: This site is an unofficial Incredible Hulk webpage. The Incredible Hulk is the copyright of Marvel Comics company; please note that "Greenskin's Grab Bag" is the former name of the letters page of The Incredible Hulk and all letters to that great comic should not be directed here, but rather to Otherwise, all other material such as interviews are original material and property of Jon Holt.