Federation Starships
Name                Reg.code            Class              Captain      Status          App.   Special
USS Adelphi         NCC-26849           Ambassador         Darson       -               TNG
USS Aeon            -                   -                  Braxton      Crashed         VOY   Future ship
USS Agamemnon       NCC-11638           Apollo             -            -               TNG
USS Ahwahnee        NCC-71620           Cheyenne           -            Destroyed       TNG
USS Ajax            NCC-11574           Apollo             Narth        -               TNG
USS Akagi           NCC-62158           Rigel              -            -               TNG
USS Al-Batani       -                   -                  -            -               VOY
USS Ambassador       NX-10521           Ambassador         -            -               -
USS Antares         NCC-501             Antares            Ramart       Destroyed       TOS
USS Archon          NCC-189             Daedalus           -            Destroyed       TOS
USS Arcos           NCC-6237            Deneva             -            Destroyed       TNG
USS Aries           NCC-45167           Renaissance        -            -               TNG
USS Armstrong       -                   -                  -            -               DS9
 SS Artemis         -                   Colony ship        -            -               TNG
USS Aurora          -                   -                  -            Destroyed       TOS
 SS Beagle          -                   -                  Merik        Destroyed       TOS
USS Bellerephon     NCC-62048           Nebula             -            Destroyed       DS9
USS Berlin          NCC-14232           Excelsior          -            -               TNG
USS Biko            NCC-50331           Oberth             -            -               TNG
USS Bonestell       NCC-31600           Oberth             -            Destroyed       -
USS Bozeman         NCC-1941            Soyuz              Bateson      -               TNG
USS Bozeman         -                   -                  -            -               ST7
 SS Botany Bay      -                   DY-100             -            -               TOS
USS Bradbury         NX-72307           Bradbury           -            -               TNG
USS Brattain        NCC-21166           R.Miranda          -            -               -     a.k.a. USS Brittain
USS Brittain        NCC-21166           R.Miranda          -            -               TNG
USS Buran           NCC-57580           Challenger         -            Destroyed       TNG
USS Cairo           NCC-42136           Excelsior          Jellico      -               TNG
USS Carolina        NCC-160             Daedalus           -            -               TOS
USS Charleston      NCC-42285           Excelsior          -            -               TNG
USS Chekov          NCC-53702           Springfield        -            Destroyed       TNG
USS Clement         NCC-12537           Apollo             -            -               TNG
USS Cochrane        NCC-59318           Oberth             -            -               DS9
    Cochrane        -                   Shuttle            -            -               VOY
USS Columbia        NCC-621             -                  -            -               ST1
 SS Columbia        -                   Survey vessel      -            Crashed         TOS
    Columbus        NCC-1701'2          Shuttle            -            -               TOS
USS Concorde        NCC-68711           Freedom            -            -               TNG
USS Constantinople  NCC-34852           Instanbul          -            -               TNG
USS Constellation   NCC-1017            Constitution       Decker       Destoyed        TOS
USS Constellation   NCC-1974            Constellation      -            -               -
USS Constitution    NCC-1700            Constitution       -            -               -
USS Copernicus      NCC-623             Oberth             -            -               ST4
    Copernicus      -                   Shuttle            -            -               TOS
    Copernicus      NCC-1701 #3         Shuttle            -            Abandoned       ST5
    Cousteau        -                   Shuttlepod type 15 -            -               TNG
USS Crazy Horse     NCC-50446           Excelsior          -            -               TNG
USS Crockett        NCC-38955           Excelsior          -            -               DS9
    Curie           -                   Shuttle type 6     -            Stolen          TNG
USS Defiant          NX-74205           Defiant            Sisko        -               DS9
USS Defiant         NCC-1764            Constitution       -            Lost            TOS
USS Denver          NCC-54927           Yorkshire          -            Abandoned       TNG
 SS Dierdre         -                   -                  -            -               TOS
USS Discovery       -                   -                  -            -               TOS
USS Drake           NCC-20381           Wambundu           Rice         Destroyed       TNG
USS Drake           -                   -                  -            -               DS9
    Drake           -                   Shuttle type 8     -            Destroyed       VOY
USS Eagle           NCC-956  refit      R.Constitution     -            -               -
    El-Baz          -                   Shuttlepod type 15 -            -               TNG
USS Endeavor        NCC-71805           Nebula             -            -               TNG
USS Endeavor        -                   -                  Amisov       -               VOY
USS Entente         NCC-21249           -                  -            -               ST1
USS Enterprise      NCC-1701            Constitution       Pike/Kirk    -               TOS
USS Enterprise      NCC-1701 refit      R.Constitution     Decker/Kirk  Destroyed       ST1
USS Enterprise      NCC-1701-A          R.Constitution     Kirk         -               ST4
USS Enterprise      NCC-1701-B          R.Excelsior        Harriman     -               ST7
USS Enterprise      NCC-1701-C          Ambassador         Garrett      Destroyed       TNG
USS Enterprise      NCC-1701-D          Galaxy             Picard       Destroyed       TNG
USS Enterprise      NCC-1701-E          Sovereign          Picard       -               ST8
USS Essex           NCC-173             Daedalus           Shumar       Destroyed       TNG
USS Excalibur       NCC-1664            Constitution       Harris       -               TOS
USS Excalibur       NCC-26517           Ambassador         -            -               TNG
USS Excelsior        NX-2000            Excelsior          Styles       -               ST3   First Excelsior class ship
USS Excelsior       NCC-2000            Excelsior          Sulu         -               ST6
USS Exeter          NCC-1672            Constitution       Tracey       Abandoned       TOS
USS Farragut        NCC-1647            Constitution       Garrovick    -               TOS
USS Farragut        NCC-60597           Nebula             -            Destroyed       DS9
USS Fearless        NCC-14598           Excelsior          -            -               TNG
    Fermi           -                   Shuttle type 6     -            -               TNG
    Feynman         -                   Shuttle type 6     -            -               TNG
USS Firebrand       NCC-68723           Freedom            -            Destroyed       TNG
USS Fleming         NCC-20316           Wambundu           -            Abandoned       TNG
USS Gage            NCC-11672           Apollo             -            Destroyed       TNG
USS Galaxy           NX-70637           Galaxy             -            -               -     First Galaxy class ship
    Galileo         NCC-1701'7          Shuttle            -            Destroyed       TOS
    Galileo II      NCC-1701'7          Shuttle            -            -               TOS
    Galileo         NCC-1701 #5         Shuttle            -            -               ST5
USS Gandhi          NCC-26632           Ambassador         -            -               TNG
USS Ganges          NCC-72454           Danube Runabout    -            Destroyed       DS9
USS Gettysburg      NCC-3890            Constellation      Jameson      -               TNG
USS Goddard         NCC-59621           Korolev            -            -               TNG
    Goddard         -                   Shuttle type 6     -            -               TNG
USS Gorkon          NCC-40521           Excelsior          Nechayev     -               TNG
USS Grissom         NCC-42857           Excelsior          -            -               TNG
USS Grissom         NCC-638             Oberth             Esteban      Destroyed       ST3
USS Hathaway        NCC-2593            Constellation      Riker        Abandoned/rec.  TNG
USS Havana          NCC-34043           Instabul           -            -               TNG
    Hawking         -                   Shuttle type 7     -            -               TNG
USS Hera            NCC-62006           Nebula             LaForge      Lost            TNG
USS Hermes          NCC-10376           Antares            -            -               TNG
USS Hokkaido        -                   Renaissance        -            -               -     Last of class
USS Hood            NCC-1703            Constitution       -            -               TOS
USS Hood            NCC-42296           Excelsior          DeSoto       -               TNG
USS Horatio         NCC-10532           Ambassador         Keel         Destroyed       TNG
USS Horizon         NCC-176             Daedalus           -            -               TOS
USS Intrepid        NCC-1831            Constitution       -            Destroyed       TOS
USS Intrepid        NCC-38907           Excelsior          -            -               TNG
USS Jenolen         NCC-2010            Sydney             -            Destroyed       TNG
    Justman         NCC-1701-D #3       Shuttle type 6     -            -               TNG
USS Kearsage        NCC-57566           Challenger         -            -               TNG
    Kobayashi Maru  -                   Class 3 Carrier    Vance        -               ST2
USS Kyushu          NCC-65491           New Orleans        -            Destroyed       TNG
USS La Salle        NCC-6203            Deneva             -            -               TNG
USS Lakota          NCC-42788 refit     R.Excelsior        Benteen      -               DS9
 SS Lakul           -                   Whorfin            -            -               ST7
USS Lalo            NCC-43837           Mediterranean      -            Lost            TNG
USS Lantree         NCC-1837 refit      R.Miranda          Telaka       Destroyed       -
USS Lexington       NCC-14427           Nebula             -            -               TNG
USS Lexington       NCC-1709            Constitution       Wesley       -               TOS
USS Lexington       -                   -                  -            -               ST8
USS Magellan        NCC-3069            Constellation      Conklin      -               TNG
    Magellan        NCC-1701-D #15      Shuttle type 6     -            Destroyed       TNG
USS Malinche        NCC-34099           Excelsior          Sanders      -               DS9
 SS Mariposa        -                   DY-500             Granger      -               TNG
USS Maryland        -                   -                  -            Lost            DS9
USS Mekong          NCC-72914           Danube Runabout    -            -               DS9
USS Melbourne       NCC-62043           Excelsior          -            Destroyed       DS9
USS Merrimac        NCC-61827           Nebula             -            -               TNG
 SS Milan           NDT-50863           -                  -            -               TNG
USS Monitor         NCC-61826           Nebula             -            -               TNG
USS Nobel           NCC-55012           Olympic            -            -               TNG
 SS Odin            NGL-12535           -                  -            Abandoned       TNG
USS Odyssey         NCC-71832           Galaxy             Keogh        Destroyed       DS9
USS Okinawa         -                   -                  Leyton       -               DS9
    Onizuka         -                   Shuttlepod type 15 -            -               TNG
USS Orinoco         NCC-72905           Danube Runabout    -            Destroyed       DS9
USS Pasteur         NCC-58928           Olympic            -            -               TNG
USS Pegasus         NCC-53847           Oberth             Pressman     Lost/recovered  TNG
USS Phoenix         NCC-65420           Nebula             Maxwell      -               TNG
    Pike            -                   Shuttlepod type 15 -            Destroyed       TNG
USS Portland        -                   -                  -            -               DS9
USS Potemkin        NCC-1657            Constitution       -            -               TOS
USS Potemkin        NCC-18253           Excelsior          -            -               TNG
USS Princeton       NCC-59804           Niagara            -            Destroyed       TNG
USS Prokofiev       NCC-68814           Andromeda          -            -               -
USS Prometheus      NCC-71201           Nebula             -            -               DS9
USS Proxima         -                   -                  -            Lost            DS9
USS Raman           NCC-59983           Oberth             -            -               TNG
USS Reliant         NCC-1864            Miranda            Terrel       Destroyed       ST2
USS Renegade        NCC-63102           New Orleans        Scott        -               TNG
USS Republic        NCC-1371            Constitution       -            -               TOS
USS Repulse         NCC-2544            Excelsior          Taggert      -               TNG
USS Revere          NCC-595             -                  -            -               ST1
USS Rio Grande      NCC-72452           Danube Runabout    -            -               DS9
 SS Robert Fox      -                   Whorfin            -            Destroyed       ST7
USS Rosevelt        -                   -                  -            Lost            VOY
USS Rubicon         -                   Danube Runabout    -            -               DS9
USS Rutledge        NCC-57295           New Orleans        Maxwell      -               TNG
    Sacachewia      -                   Shuttle type 6     -            Destroyed       VOY
    Sakharov        NCC-1701-D #1       Shuttle type 7     -            -               TNG
USS Sarajevo        -                   -                  -            Lost            DS9
USS Saratoga        NCC-1867            Miranda            -            -               ST4
USS Saratoga        NCC-31911           R.Miranda          -            Destroyed       DS9
USS Shika Maru      -                   -                  Sylvester    -               TNG
USS Stargazer       NCC-2893            Constellation      Picard       Abandoned/rec.  TNG
    Surak           -                   Warp shuttle       -            -               ST1
USS Sutherland      NCC-72015           Nebula             -            -               TNG
USS Tecumseh        -                   -                  Raymond      -               DS9
USS Thomas Paine    NCC-65530           New Orleans        Rixx         -               TNG
USS Tian An Men     NCC-21382           R.Miranda          -            Lost            TNG
USS Tolstoy         NCC-62095           Rigel              -            Destroyed       TNG
    T'Pau           NSP-17938           Apollo             -            -               TNG
USS Trieste         NCC-37124           Merced             -            -               TNG
USS Tripoli         NCC-19386           Kokule'a           -            Decommissioned  TNG
USS Tsiolkovsky     NCC-35911           Oberth             -            Destroyed       TNG
USS Ulysses         -                   -                  Intebi       -               DS9
USS Valdemar        NCC-26198           Ambassador         -            -               DS9
 SS Valiant         -                   Survey vessel      -            Destroyed       TOS
USS Valiant         NCC-1223            Daedalus           -            Lost            TOS
USS Venture         -                   Galaxy             -            -               DS9
 SS Vico            NAR-18834           Oberth             -            Destroyed       TNG
USS Victory         NCC-9754            Constellation      Zimbata      -               TNG
USS Volga           -                   Danube Runabout    -            -               DS9
    Voltaire        -                   Shuttlepod type 15 -            Destroyed       TNG
USS Voyager         NCC-74656           Intrepid           Janeway      -               VOY
USS Wellington      NCC-28473           Niagara            -            -               TNG
 SS Woden           -                   DY-100             -            -               TOS
USS Wyoming         -                   -                  -            -               VOY
USS Yamato          NCC-1305-E          Galaxy             Varley       Recommisioned   TNG   Recommisioned as USS Yamato NCC-71807
USS Yamato          NCC-71807           Galaxy             Varley       Destroyed       TNG
USS Yangtzee Kiang  NCC-79453           Danube Runabout    -            -               DS9
USS Yeager          -                   -                  -            -               DS9   This -might- be a Yeager Class ship
USS Yellowstone     NCC-70073           Sequoia            -            -               -
USS Yorktown        NCC-1717            Constitution       -            Recommisioned   TOS   Recommisioned as USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A
USS Yorktown        NCC-61137           Zodiac             -            -               TNG
USS Yosemite        NCC-19002           Oberth             -            -               TNG
USS Yukon           -                   Danube Runabout    -            Destroyed       DS9
USS Zapata          NCC-33184           Surak              -            -               -
USS Zhukov          NCC-26136           Ambassador         Gleason      -               TNG
USS:  USS stands for either United Space Ship or United Star Ship. Both are mensioned
in the series.
Registration code prefixes: NCC : Starfleet starship
 NX  : Starfleet experimental
 NAR : Federation research vessel
 NDT : Federation transport vessel
 NGL : Federation freighter
 NSP : Vulcan science vessel
 NHT : ?
Notes on the list:
* "R." in front of a class name means "Refit".  
* The App. (=Appearance) column defines where a ship was seen first.
  TOS=The Original Series (a.k.a. "Star Trek")
  TNG=The Next Generation
  DS9=Deep Space Nine
  ST1=Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  ST2=Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan 
* All mensioned ships have either appeared in the live action series (not The Animated Series) or
  the Star Trek movies or are mensioned in the official Star Trek Encyclopedia or the official 
  Technical Manual.
* Everything indicated with a "-" is unknown, except for the "status" column,
  where the "-" also stands for "active duty".
* If you have found an error in the list or if you've got additions to the list
* The author can't be held responsible for any errors in the list.
Star Trek and all associated names and stuff are owned by Paramount.