Suggested Reading and References

This is a grouping of books on Wicca, witchcraft, and magick that I have personally reviewed and found to be excellent sources of information. In fact, I own copies of all of these books, that is how much I recommend them. These are the books that I used as sources for the information on my site. They are listed alpha- you will notice, some authors have more than one book to their credit.

CAUTION do not loan out books for more than a couple of days at a time, you will never get them back!. I have lost half of my collection that way.

Buckland, Raymond:

  • Gypsy Fortunetelling
  • Practical Candleburning Rituals
  • Conway, D.J.:

  • Celtic Magic

  •       A helpful little book containing many correspondence
          tables, as well as spells and ceremonies. It also
          contains a few lovely poems and informative myths
          about the various deities. It is jam-packed with
          useful tidbits.

    Cunningham, Scott:

  • Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

  •       This one has lists, and tables, and explanations of just about
          every magickal herb available, some that are not just for the
          sake of passing on the knowledge. I use his book extensively
          as a reference for my own herb lists, but I really suggest that
          everyone have it, or quick access to it.

  • Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
  • Dunwich, Gerina:

  • Candlelight Spells
  • Wicca Love Spells
  • The Wicca Spellbook
  • Fitch, Ed:

  • A Grimoire of Shadows
  • Hardie, Titania:

  • Hocus Pocus: Titania's book of spells

  •       This is a darling book with about 70 spells and a couple of
          top ten lists, including top ten Old Wives Tales of pregnancy
          and Top Ten Witch's beauty secrets. It has some protection
          spells, love spells, money, and success spells, all of which
          are simple and easy to do. Several of them I will add to
          the Spells pages, in fact, if you haven't seen it already,
          the feature spell for this month is from this book, it is
          the located at the back of the book just before the appendix.

    Hedley, Christopher and Shaw, Non:

  • Herbal Remedies
  • Hopman, Ellen Evert:

  • A Druid's Herbal
  • Huson, Paul:

  • Mastering Witchcraft
  • Malbrough, Ray T.:

  • Charms, Spells, & Formulas
  • Medici, Marina:

  • Good Magic
  • Mickaharic, Draja:

  • A Century of Spells
  • If you have suggestions for additions to this page, e-mail me with the book's title, author, and a short description of the book, including why it is recommended.