
Welcome to my home on the Web.
First, a little about me.
After working for the Florida LAKEWATCH program for a year, I'm now working for the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Florida. I love it; I work with good people and I get to see and work with all sorts of interesting creatures, including but not limited to bats, lions, primates, horses, as well as the odd dog or cat! I'm learning more than I ever realized there was to know about veterinary radiology and I plan on being here for a good while. Still, the idea of being an independantly wealthy novelist still lurks in the background, but, how to achieve the independant wealth is the bit that keeps tripping me up.
This place is a catch-all for things that interest me. As evidenced by the variety of links below, I have varying and eclectic tastes. Feel free to hang around, have a drink, put your feet up and explore. There's lot's of stuff here.

My furry children

My Photographs and Artwork

My writing: short fiction,poetry, my fanfiction, and more

I've recently discovered how much fun it is to make my own bags and purses. I like it so much, I started my own Yahoo! Group, Bagmakers Anoymous. Come join us.

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I also have done some research on my family tree. Someday I may actually get it posted here. Until then, here are a few very helpful links to help you on your own quest to learn where your family is from.


Scotland, the Trip

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