Here are Mara Jade Pictures scanned from the comics, most of them are from the Archjedi's Page, Jade's Crusades, some are from MJade's page, and some are from my awesome friend Mara, okay so I know a lot of ladies like me who all go under the handle of Mara Jade or Mara Skywalker. You can find their pages in the Mara Jade links page. They may be a little out of place right now.
I captioned them, well at least I tried to, but if anyone thinks they are too corny or just a waste of time, or if you have a better caption, I'd like to hear from you! But please politley ask me if you can use these pictures, they are not mine they're from my friend's pages.
love this one, this is my favorite.
From The Last Command.
More fom the Last Command
"I can't kill him, he's
so handsome, besides, I need him if I want to learn his tricks.
There's something about
Mara always knows best.
She's a goddess!
Hey, if my sweetie can kill one of these guys so can I.
you ungrateful swine!
M for Mara
That's the end. This page was upgraded by Titanic, the unsinkable Hewlett Packard Pavillion 7110Z and Netscape Composer 4
Everything according to Mara Jade, Star Wars, and Luke Skywalker are property of George Lucas.
Archjedi appears courtesy of Jade's Crusades.
Mara appears courtesy of
MJade appears courtesy of Mara Jade By the Emperor's Hand.
Katheen Herlihy, Mara and Luke lover courtesy of Club Skywalker.
Hair and make-up: Kevin Acoyin
Wardrobe: Givency and Donna Karan and Eddie Bauer.
Advice and tounge lashings to Ms. Herlihy/AKA Mara Skywalker, courtesy of Judy Tenuta, Giver Goddess, Buffer of Foreheads, Healer of Hermaphrodites, Blesser of Bunyons, Earth Mother Hostess, Geisha Girl, and Empress of Elvis Impersonators!
A man that I need to torture, Leonardo DiCaprio-Heed my wraith my future love slave. The Emperor sent me to be a better actress than you! Be afraid, be very afraid.
This is dedicated to Timothy Zahn, the Prince of Science Fiction.
This page is dedicated to all
the young female Star Wars Fans of the world, you go!