In March of 2005 I started with Pooptechnik as a sales and service Engineer. I traveled the USA with my co-workers doing measurement jobs and giving demos of our equipment. When we arrive in a town it is usually late and we have been traveling all day. Not to many tourist destinations are open at 9:00pm at night. However occasionally we manage to find some time to go out. Here are some of the pictures.
I lost the Digital camera case there when I left it on the roof of the car and drove away. Houston was one of my favorite cities i have been to.
This was taken by Arun at the Gas station across the streen from the field. The first time we visited Houston, we rented a 2005 Mustang. It was only a V6 but it still was fast.
Circleville is about 45 minuts south of Columbus.
Our Subaru sucked and was overpriced.
The hotel in Circleville Ohio had a trampoline outside. We had just returned from a days work and decided to go for a jump.
We rented a Subaru in Circleville.
This is me at age 70!
I really liked this photo.