10/14/98 11:10:23
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Cindy - 09/18/98 00:41:29 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Love your page! May I borrow some of those YOH piccies? Visit my page and sign my Dreambook! :)
RONNIE - 09/05/98 19:57:01
What do you like about Tom Paris?: OK
What do you like about the Paris/Torres relationship?: OK
What is your favorite Voyager episode?: ON
Would you be interested in joining a new Paris/Torres group?: ON
ronnie - 09/05/98 19:55:06
My URL:http://ronnieb@WORLDONLINE.NL
Kara Townsend - 06/27/98 03:09:08
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)
Jennifer L. Harvey - 06/20/98 20:05:29
My URL:/Area51/Zone/9627
My Email:cnlrserbas@aol.com
What do you like about Tom Paris?: his eyes and his smile
What do you like about the Paris/Torres relationship?: they're the same but also at the smae time different
What is your favorite Voyager episode?: any P/T episode
Would you be interested in joining a new Paris/Torres group?: yeah i guess
very nice page. keep it up. cheerio!
jan - 04/24/98 17:08:25
My Email:jan@explorer3.pioneer.lib.ok.us
What do you like about Tom Paris?: he's cute
What is your favorite Voyager episode?: who knows titles like em all
Just checking to see if you're still here--looks like you are.
**Jill** - 04/12/98 21:02:33
My URL:http://members.aol.com/JADannay/index.html
My Email:JADannay@AOL.com
What do you like about Tom Paris?: His whole character, especially his past and how that's affecting him now.
What do you like about the Paris/Torres relationship?: They're great together, and they are a lot alike.
What is your favorite Voyager episode?: ummm... Day of Honor... Blood Fever... Year of Hell
Would you be interested in joining a new Paris/Torres group?: Always!!!
Hi! You've got a great start here. I love the pictures!!!
**Jill** - 04/12/98 21:02:04
My URL:http://members.aol.com/JADannay/index.html
My Email:JADannay@AOL.com
What do you like about Tom Paris?: His whole character, especially his past and how that's affecting him now.
What do you like about the Paris/Torres relationship?: They're great together, and they are a lot alike.
What is your favorite Voyager episode?: ummm... Day of Honor... Blood Fever... Year of Hell
Would you be interested in joining a new Paris/Torres group?: Always!!!
Hi! You've got a great start here. I love the pictures!!!
Rachael (Chakotay, of Romulus) - 04/08/98 23:45:24
My URL:/Hollywood/Academy/4310/
My Email:shannyk@bigfoot.com
What do you like about Tom Paris?: He's hot, but not as hot as Chakotay
What do you like about the Paris/Torres relationship?: She's in charge
What is your favorite Voyager episode?: Distant Origin
Would you be interested in joining a new Paris/Torres group?: Maybe
We miss you on the Voyager list!!! Come back!!!
There has just been a major victory over J/C, due to a TV Guide interview with Kate mulgrew saying it would be a cold day in hell when Janeway and Chakotay went beyond just friends. She DID say, though, that Janeway might become interested in someone els
on the ship... I'm thinking Tuvok...
Long live J/T!!! (not Janeway/Torres) and W/T (Worf/Troi)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alice (8 of 9) - 01/11/98 22:54:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/3949
My Email:mrs_kim@hotmail.com
What do you like about Tom Paris?: How much room do I have?
What do you like about the Paris/Torres relationship?: I love a good romance
What is your favorite Voyager episode?: Scientific Method
Would you be interested in joining a new Paris/Torres group?: Sure!
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Pictures! I like pictures!!! Nice page and I like your web name
Jennifer L. Harvey - 01/11/98 18:19:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/9627
My Email:cnlrserbas@aol.com
What do you like about Tom Paris?: ummm..do i have to choose?
What do you like about the Paris/Torres relationship?: umm.I dunno
What is your favorite Voyager episode?: Scientific Methods
Would you be interested in joining a new Paris/Torres group?: yep
keep up the good work
jan - 12/22/97 14:58:28
My Email:Janw@explorer3.Pioneer.Lib.Ok.us.
What do you like about Tom Paris?: cutie
Would you be interested in joining a new Paris/Torres group?: Of course
Vicki - 12/18/97 20:14:56
Nice page, K'Bella. Loved the pics, Tom's chest is great. Great love scenes.
Torra - 12/18/97 06:59:06
My URL:http://www.netcom.com/~joevan/paristorres.htm
My Email:joevan@ix.netcom.com
What do you like about Tom Paris?: He has a past...it pains him, but he's lirning to move on.
What do you like about the Paris/Torres relationship?: Oh, they look *so* *cute* together! The actors have *wonderful* chemistry, and They just fit, ya know. Both have been hurt in the past, but perhaps they can find peace with each other...
What is your favorite Voyager episode?: "Displaced" or "Year of Hell" part 1
Would you be interested in joining a new Paris/Torres group?: Yeppers! I'm allreay a member of the RDM Estragin Bregaid, pt_teen(a new mailing list) and one of the founders of the P/T Enthusiasts of the Universe!
Hay! Nice start. Love the pic.s! I'll come back to see what you've added. If you want to add some of my links, go ahead. (Like I'd mind! ::grin::) P/T FOREVER!!!! WHOO HOO!
pinkngrey - 12/14/97 21:39:54
Just testing the guestbook