Erik's Pages O' Sci Fi!
Well thanks for strolling in to check out my pages
dedicated to sci-fi cartoons, tv shows and
movie soundtracks. This is my second update to
these pages as of 8/31/98, so maybe in 1999 I'll have
something even newer   :)
The following list of magical links
takes you my various pages
 Dexter's Laboratory from Cartoon Network 
 Red Dwarf a british sci-fi comedy 
 Soundtrack clips for amusement or computer use 
 Space Ghost from Cartoon Network 
 Star Trek, no description needed :) 
Any sound wavs you would like to download and keep can be saved if you right click your mouse button over the link to the wav.  Or if you would like a picture or animation, right click over it and choose save image as or set as wallpaper. If you have any trouble doing so or if a link doesn't work, e-mail me please!
Surfers since 8/31/98
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