Disclaimer: I do not own the character of Cyane or any other character that has been mentioned on Xena: Warrior Princess. They are the property of Renaissance pictures and MCA/Universal.

General - Cyane and her Amazons are wrongly accused of raiding a surrounding village.

Beware peasants armed with pitchforks

By Thorn

Chapter 1

It was a peaceful Sunday, around noon, and Cyane was eating her dinner alone in her hut. She often ate alone when she needed to think. On this particular Sunday, she had politics on her mind. After the recent victory over the Scythians, not too many other tribes had had the guts to attack the Amazons. Cyane considered this a good time to plan and propose some treaties that would, perhaps, bring a little peace to the steppes.

"Perhaps, of course, being the key word", thought Cyane.

After all, this was the steppes and it was never peaceful and the very few times it was, it wasn't for long. Most of the times, people would stop fighting until their army would be back to an acceptable number of soldiers.

Cyane took a bite of her chicken wing, walking all around her hut, thinking aloud. "Come on, Baby, think...think. How can I get this peace thing done. Right now the Scythians and Sarmatians aren't much trouble. Borias' guys are staying more in the east. Just have to keep wondering about that damn Attila." She took another bite.

"Still thinking about those treaties?," Lodka asked as she walked in.

"If I can find a solution to this problem, I will make you very happy, Lodka. You and everyone else," Cyane said with her mouth full.

"That was lady-like," Lodka said sarcastically, teasing her friend about one of her warrior traits. "What problem?"

"Attila and Borias. They're both east right now and we haven't heard much about them in a while. I get this feeling that they're plotting something. It keeps bugging me."

At that moment, Daek, one of the Amazon commanders, walked in.

"Queen Cyane, there is someone here to see you."

"Sounds important, Daek. Is he one of the leaders of the other tribes of nomads?"

Daek hesitated.

"Who? Borias? Attila? Who?," Cyane asked impatiently.

"Actually, I don't know who he is. His name is Tadeuzs."

"Okay. Let him in." Daek went outside and brought back in a tall, very large man. He walked in and immediately power walked towards Cyane with large steps.

"Cyane. I am Tadeuzs, citizen of Ot. I want you to know that the citizens of Ot have declared war on the Amazons."

"What!?," Cyane reacted completely baffled.

"I thank you for having me into your home," said the man as he left.

"What the..."

"How come..."

"What just..."

The three Amazons just stood there, looking at each other, and at the door for the most part, absolutely shocked after what they had just heard.

The blond queen shook her head and started walking out of her hut.

"What are you doing,Cyane?," Lodka asked.

"I'm gonna go find out what the hell is going on. Daek, Tell the others to get their weapons ready. I'll try to solve this with words but in case that doesn't work, I want to have a backup plan."

Cyane left. She ran all the way to the village of Ot.

Back in the Amazon village, the Amazons were very concerned. You could see it on their faces. They did not like to fight villagers and peasants. They did not enjoy wars but it was worst because this time, they did not know why they had to fight. You could hear them talk between themselves.

"I don't want to have to kill peasants. They're not warriors. They're not raiders. Why do they even want to fight us?" asked a younger warrior.

"Well I say let's kick their butts anyway. Probably paid by those damn Huns or Scythians to attack us," said Vallat, who once again demonstrated how much of a hothead she was.

"Now don't think such things too quick, Vallat. We don't know what's happening? We better wait for Cyane," said Bhala, another highly ranked commander, just like Daek.

Cyane stood hidden behind a house in Ot. In front of her, she could see the entire town listening to Tadeuzs speak. Standing in a four-wheeled chariot half-filled with hay, the young man spoke with his arms making large gestures.

"My friends, citizens of Ot. Recently, we have been attacked by the Amazons. They raided our village and killed many of us. But today, it is our turn. Today, war has been declared to the Amazons and today, we will extract revenge."

The people in the crowd cheered thew words of Tadeuzs, fists and arms raised, yelling anti-Amazon chants.

"My friends, it is now time to make the Amazons pay for their crimes."

More to come soon. Tell me what you think.

Chapter 2
