X - 04/15/00 14:12:33


emma peel - 01/14/00 00:59:53
My Email:Broken!

You are my sunsuhine, my only sunshine, but it's a blacklight, and I love it so.... You writing has the beauty of a shattered diamond and eloquence of liquid fire. Your characterization in exellent, and your humor lightens my narcissim....I would dedicate a monument in your honor if I didn't work for minimum wage. Please, please, please ontinue your musings and writing....You are a thoasand candels lit on the barren desert of fanfiction. I would have e-mailed, but it's been broken. Thank you for replying. You don't know what it means to me. Thank you so much for this, Amanda. - emma peel

MellyB/Melissa - 01/08/00 00:38:47
My Email:mellyb_78@yahoo.com

All right, I tried to be patient, but I'm gonna have to crack down on ye. Where oh where have you gone to? My eyeballs have started bleeding and my hair is falling out in sticky green clumps and none of this will end until I read a new "Slightly Mundane list!! Seriously, I hope everything is OK with you...if you're still hanging out online, please know that all of your faithful followers miss you! Hope you're doing well- Melissa (cirbo@uswest.net or mellyb_78@yahoo.com---I've harassed you before, but it was a while ago, so you probably don't remember)

Moi - 12/18/99 17:59:32


Theresa - 12/12/99 23:46:11

Hey, I really hope you keep writing your Slightly Mundane humor lists. They're awesome and they crack me up every time. You're an incredibly funny person; please keep it up!

Elena - 12/02/99 22:06:42

I absolutely love your "Slightly Mundane" lists. Please, PLEASE keep writing them. They're hilarious. Thanks.

Kate - 11/29/99 23:15:34
My Email:binkymoon@aol.com

Your site is great! I love it, if you have a mailing list, feel free to put me on!

Melly - 11/23/99 03:44:35
My Email:cirbo@uswest.net

We miss you. (sniff) Please come and be mundane again. :)

Robin - 09/04/99 02:33:58
My Email:dilly@Delt.com

I came I saw I was conquered. Thank you Amanda.

Christine - 08/27/99 10:22:33
My Email:chaosmuse@hotmail.com

I read your works on Gossamer and loved them. You then pointed me towards your website and for that I am thankfull. Not only do you have a special gift for humor, but you also have a wonderful insight in regards to drama. Please keep up the terrific jo !!

Aaron Coker - 04/24/99 07:36:44
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Ka1iban
My Email:kaliban@garbage.com

Amanda, You are truly a talent. I anticipate your works as much as I do each new episode. Please continue.

Quinnanne Henny - 03/08/99 18:16:52
My Email:QxTrustNo1@aol.com

Nice site. I especially enjoyed the "slightly mundane" parodies. Keep up the good work. :)

10/14/98 11:08:21
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/18/98 00:36:33
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Kara Townsend - 07/01/98 23:19:04
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Samantha - 03/06/98 04:53:14
My Email:aporter@rocketmail.com

Cool page. I love the poem. X-files rules!!!!!!!

feeniks - 02/20/98 23:04:40
My URL:http://www.inficad.com/~feeniks
My Email:annoyingsong@its-tradition.com


Hippo Birdee two ewes...
Hippo Birdee two ewes..
Hippo birdee, hippo birdee
Hippo birdee Deer Amandaaaaaaaaaa
Hippo Birdee Two ewe-w-w-w-w !!!!!

Okay, so it's Saturday..so sue me...

Fox Mauldar - 02/12/98 15:33:03

You should really thank us, Amanda. We're doing this for you. If we imprison her with our charm she will add a link to your page from hers. When this mission has been accomplished we can come back.

The Voice of Reason - 02/12/98 15:28:25
My Email:if youdon'tknow@youcanthaveit.com

You're off the hook for now, Amanda....we're gonna roost in the JetCitygirl for a while...we WILL be back! That's a promise!

JCg - 02/12/98 15:25:37
My URL:/~jetcityempire
My Email:jetctywo@sprynet.com

The Voices have called me.."Sign Amanda's guestbook and we can be free"...what the hell are they talking about?? Okay, here I am! What does it mean? Oh, no!! They're taking me over! I knew I shouldn't do this! Save meeeee!!!!

feeniks - 01/30/98 20:46:29
My URL:http://www.inficad.com/~feeniks

who knows what evil lurks in the heart of all men? Tis the earth, and juliet is the sun..wha-?..dammit..misprint in my copy of "Pop! Goes the Classics!" ..*grumble, grumble*..

Amanda - 01/29/98 01:11:30
My URL:"www.bummer.com"
My Email:AnnaMosity@hotmail.com


Chris De Garmo has left the building and the totem is incomplete.

Let's hope this new fifth member -- this new totem piece -- is just as fitting. To commiserate with this loss, click here, or
Amanda, Your Captain - 01/19/98 04:48:01
My Email:AnnaMosity@hotmail.com

Thanks, Kathy! You rock! Carmen, honestly, this town gets everything last! I looked all over for the new Entertainment Weekly, and only found one for Jan. 16 so I'm hoping the "new" one is coming out shortly (like tomorrow!) Hello everyone!

Kathy - 01/19/98 03:12:16
My Email:katjones68

hey chick....okay I signed the darn thing....the voices saaid I should do this......you did this can't wait to see ya...later chick...love the site will be back...often

Amanda Finch - 01/18/98 18:10:00
My URL:It's Where You Are When You're Here
My Email:AnnaMosity@hotmail.com


Thank you!!!

I have everything (well, almost everything) they've ever done a cover for...including that Rolling Stone cover...oh, my... RC: Did you see my message in the Void? Are you miffed? I'll bet you're working tonight... Everyone: I'm going to sign DellaB's guestbook? Wanna follow me over there and raid the place? Spool down for the URL...

Queensryche Rules!

, but of course, you all know that, right?

Carmen - 01/16/98 20:04:28
My Email:fareset@gte.net

Hey Chikadee! I just recieved the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, and guess who is on the cover?! Yes, that's right, our favorite duo, looking good, as always! If you don't subscribe, go pick up a copy, you won't be dissappointed!!!!! Carmen

RC - 01/15/98 05:00:02

Where oh where are you tonight... why did you leave me here all alone... jk... Hey I saw you and was looking for you.. and i knew I could find you here.. So Hi... thats it.. Hi.. not a big f****** deal.... RC

Carmen - 01/13/98 22:04:17
My Email:fareset@gte.net

Oh My God, I have to leave now, I'm having hot flashes, and my hands are sweaty! Tea Leoni don't deserve him! LOL! See ya 'round the Void!

Amanda - 01/13/98 20:23:03
My URL:you are Here
My Email:AnnaMosity@hotmail.com

Where in the blazes was I talking about tract housing?

feeniks - 01/13/98 16:37:31

...no, no, no... tract HOUSING!! Miles and miles of it. Hear in Phoenix. The great American Desert has become a vast wasteland of pink tile roofs and orange stucco walls...

Amanda/AnnaMosity - 01/13/98 01:55:27
Where You're At
My Email:AnnaMosity@hotmail.com


Spelling error?


Are you referring to the Void chat? The trackacino? What?

feeniks - 01/12/98 21:28:36

Ooh! A spelling error! I wouldn't be me if I didn't point it out... intestinal TRACT..not track.. unless you were referring to, nah..too lame to expound upon...

RC - 01/12/98 08:58:05

The truth is out there!!!!!!! Thanks for staying up with me.. Lots of Love...RC

Amanda - 01/11/98 11:55:03
My URL:Url? who's Url?
My Email:AnnaMosity@hotmail.com

Not Cordelia: Gasoline in the head is a serious problem! How many times do I have to tell you? It's beer in the head and gasoline in the car! I know those Molsen Ices make your car run that much faster, but gasoline gives you an intestinal track problem t at I don't EVEN want to ponder. Too late.

Not Cordelia - 01/10/98 00:26:03

Hey....a very cOOL, comfy place u have here! Of course MOIST are a great band...they're friggin' Canadian eh! Gasoline is in my head.;)

Amanda - 01/09/98 05:20:52
My URL:You're here!
My Email:AnnaMosity@hotmail.com

A message to my friends - most of whom are Rychers.


is a wonderful band! Check them out by clicking HERE! This HAS been a public service announcement. Love you all, and thanks for your support!

AawwYeahh@aol.com - 01/09/98 02:51:02


Itchy - 01/06/98 17:00:37

I believe! yes....such a nice place you've made here, Amanda.:> groovin on the green!

DellaB - 01/05/98 13:55:01
My URL:http://www.alleycatweb.com/mtempire.html
My Email:DellaB@alleycatweb.com

Well, Queen Amanda!!! You buggeth long enough and your wish is my command. I have got to come back and check your site over more thoroughly. But knowing you, it is full of wonderous words and much laughter!!!

tHE hERETIC - 01/03/98 07:23:16
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/b/b/s/bbsstheheretic.html
My Email:heretic@unforgettable.com

Just checkin' in--beautiful X-phile place! th

un - 01/02/98 18:10:36

Uhh, that's gOODies...

unspOOLed - 01/02/98 18:08:35

Yes, it's me, unspOOLed, aardvarking through your goddies. That'll teach you to advertise... Wot? Another 21st birthday party and I missed it? Time to sweep up the crumbs, I suppose...snort, sniff, snort...

Professor Wolf - 12/30/97 20:31:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/archaicopera/
My Email:archaic_opera@hotmail.com

Ummm, well.... I'm early, yeah, that's it! I'm wishing you an early happy birthday!! Nice of me huh? *whoops*

Anna Mosity/ Amanda - 12/30/97 07:09:38
My URL:You are Here.
My Email:AnnaMosity@hotmail.com

What? I can't sign my own guestbook? For shame! IT'S NOT MY BIRTHDAY! How did this get started? LOL! I'll be 21 on 2.21 and not a day sooner! Professor Volf, you are meshugina!

Professor Wolf - 12/30/97 02:11:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/archaicopera/
My Email:archaic_opera@hotmail.com

Did someone say boithday (jewish accent)??!!!! Happy birfday to youuuuu, happeee boifday to youuuu, happeeeeee birthing day dear Annamosity at its best! Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!

JCg - 12/29/97 02:31:26
My URL:/SunsetStrip/Studio/9293
My Email:jetctywo@sprynet.com

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JCg - 12/29/97 02:30:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/


Professor Wolf - 12/28/97 08:16:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/archaicopera/
My Email:archaic_opera@hotmail.com

Hey, baby! he he. Great site! I'm very jealous. Hope X-mas was good for ya, drop me a line, ok? Oh yeah, I sent you e-mail, so check it out!

your one and only d-j - 12/28/97 01:00:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/stage/2530/geobook.html
My Email:empirecc50@hotmail.com

Hi Amanda, our one and only Queen of the X... Della-Jane here. I have sent a special prayer up to your guardian angel to keep you safe and sound. Take Care and Lucid dreams

katie - 12/26/97 21:07:15
My Email:nm_156@hotmail.com

woo-hoo! checked out your site as per suggestion and was greeted by a great picture of david... oy! :) after that, the rest was the icing on the cake!

RR - 12/24/97 23:08:55
My Email:Ron

As you wish, Buttercup!

RC - 12/23/97 07:57:09
My Email:k002@hosp.umich.med.edu

Remember!!!!!!?... Looks good for an X-Punk like yourself... Issac?? Your the best.. Please note the time..Yes I am still checking up on you.. Congratulations on your...uh... FREEDOM... Hope to hear from you soon.. LOVE ya RC..X-it......

RC - 12/23/97 07:55:52
My Email:k002@hosp.umich.med.edu

Remember!!!!!!?... Looks good for an X-Punk like yourself... Issac?? Your the best.. Please note the time..Yes I am still checking up on you.. Congratulations on your...uh... FREEDOM... Hope to hear from you soon.. LOVE ya RC..X-it......

Lad˙ in Black - 12/20/97 04:26:49
My Email:forgot it

Nice job Amanda. Hey! You said sign the book. I do listen....sometimes. From, She who lurks.

JCg - 12/19/97 20:22:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Studio/9293
My Email:jcg@mindless.com

Now! You know somebody loves you! Well...okay.. at least "likes" you...puts up with you? Ummm... just signed it to keep you off their back? Uhh.. Cool page, Amanda! Love the fonts on thefront! Okie..back to da Void I roam....

feeniks - 12/19/97 18:20:07

..yep, it works..

feeniks - 12/19/97 18:13:21

eeny meeny miney moe...catch a tiger by the toe...

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