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Due to recent illegal actions on the part of some unscrupulous webmasters, I am forced to write this legal disclaimer.

All content on Demythri's Domain is copyright 1998, unless otherwise noted. No images or written material is to be copied or reproduced, in whole or part, without my express consent. In cases where copyright is in question or belongs to a third party, I have noted it as such. 

If you are caught stealing my copyrighted images, written material or my bandwidth, you will be reported immediately and will face subsequent legal action.

On a personal note, I spent many hours creating a website for people to enjoy and all I asked in return was that you please not take any graphics or material without first asking me. Unfortunately there are people out there that are incapable of creating original sites of their own so they steal the work of others and to add insult to injury very often steal the bandwidth as well.

If you are intrested in stopping Internet theft, please visit

If you would like to link to my site, please do so by using the following URL


Thank you.

Enter Demythri's Domain

Updated 4 Feb 2001