When you decide to join an Amtgard group you create a persona which incudes your own unique name and history as well as the class you will play. As you will see below there are numerous classes to choose from which
include magic users, fighters, and archers. You are not limited
to one class forever, but the more weeks of experience you have in a particular
class the more skills and abilities you gain. For detailed rules of how
to play you need to obtain a HANDBOOK.
The fighting classes listed below are divided into "BY THE BOOK" and "OPTIONAL" classes. Happy Adventuring.
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These are the classes listed in the Amtgard Handbook and are official fighting classes to be used by any chapter of Amtgard. These classes are always available to anyone at anytime.
Below you will find numerous fighting classes used by Amtgard chapters throughout the country. These classes are not official, but many of the classes have been used and played by chapters for years. Windstorm Woods does not use these classes all the time just for special occasions. NOTE - No Amtgard group is required to allow the use of any of the optional classes.