Pinnacle of Starship design

Welcome to Incom Shipyards™, the premiere in starship design. As one of the top leaders in ship design we have strived to "bend the rules", as it were, concerning the norm of ship concepts. Home of the T-65 snub fighter and other unique ships. Incom™ split away from its parent company Excelsior Enterprises™ just after the V'Ger incident. Incom™ strives to make the best starship it can out of the technology available. Whether it be a large starship or a small cargo vessel Incom™ always puts pride into their work.

A few of our inovative designs.
As part of Excelsior Enterprises:
S.S. Gallipoli
UESPA Magellan
T-65 Snub Fighter
S.S. Altair
U.S.S. Krivak
U.S.S. Independence
As part of Incom Shipyards:
U.S.S. Mitchell
U.S.S. Typhoon
U.S.S. Geronimo
U.S.S. Constellation II
U.S.S. Shiva

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Yahoo: nnygamer AIM: Creatorofcoolsht

to a starving modeler.

Note: The pictures are intentionally blurry to give them a more realistic look, plus that's how my digital camera works.


All starships are models I have created. Some have had extensive computer manipulation to get them to look right or just to exist.
STAR TREK and all related imagery and copyrights and trademarks of Paramount Pictures Corporation. Star Wars is copyright Lucasfilm Ltd. Used without permission but since I'm not copyrighting the stuff who cares?