To the very unofficial
"How to eat the Milki's whipped cream
(and finish it with a cream flavor on your tongue)
Those Ideas were first published in "Ha'ir" (øéòä) last page, adding few from my own experience.
Guest star: Sendi Bar- the Milki girl- "úððçúî éðà"- won't be here (a minor copyrights thing).

And now for some methods:

  1. milkiAlways have at least 2 Milkies in your refrigerator. In the beginning, eat only the cream of the first milki. From then on, eat first the non-cream of the first Milki, then open new Milki and eat it's cream!
  2. milkiOnce you open a new Milki, mix it up with the aid of a spoon. Now, every taste of it will have a cream flavor!
  3. milkiOpen Milki. pour all the components on a new plate, and eat the non-cream first, and the cream last.
  4. milkiUse 2 spoons. With the first, grab the most of the cream you can and put it away. Then, eat with the second spoon the rest of the Milki. When you're done, eat the spoon you saved- you'll finish with a cream on your tongue!
  5. milkiTake a straw, stick it deep into the non-cream part. Then, suck the Milki from bottom to top. It's little hard, and you'll probably destroy the straw, but when you gather some experience- it's fun!
Done for now- but don't worry! If I'll find new methods to eat the cream last- they will be published in this page! If you have methods of your own- send them to me!

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