T Shlamko's Books
Shlamko's books page
Here is a list of part (I hope in the end I will be all) of my sci-fi (and other) books: (most of them in Hebrew, except those marked with "E" for English.) The order in which the writers appear is random; The order in which the books appear inside the writer's section is the chronological order of the plot, when the books are connected to each other- trilogy of 2, 3 or 12 books. Otherwise, the order is random.

Frank Herbert
Dune O
Heretics of Dune O

Roger MacBride Allen
The shattered sphere O

John Varley
The ophiuchi hotline

Gregory Benford
Foundation's fear (E) O
In the ocean of night

Douglas Adams
The hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy, A trilogy in five parts (E) [all 5 books in one]O
Dirk Gently's holistic detective agencyO
The long dark tea-time of the soulO

Terry Jones
Douglas Addams's starship TitanicO

Edward M. Lerner

Orson Scott Card
Ender's game
Children of the mind

Connie Willis
Uncharted territory O

Kate Wilhelm
Where late the sweet birds sang

Lester del Rey

Clifford D. Simak
Heavy time

C.J Cherryh
Way station

Jack Williamson
The humanoids

Philip Jose Farmer
To your scattered bodies go

Robert A. Heinlein
Tunnel in the sky
Time enough for love
Double star

Bruce Sterling
Islands in the net
Mirrorshades (cyberpunk anthology, Edited by)

Larry Niven
The neutron star

Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
Lucifer's hammer

Arthur C Clarke
2010: Odyssey two
3001: The final odyssey
Stories from the white elk

Poul Anderson
The trouble twisters
Brain wave
The longest journey
No cease-fire with kings

Robert Silverberg
Star of Gypsies
Hot Sky of Midnight
The man in the maze
A time of changes
Lost race of Mars
The book of skulls

Isaac Asimov & Robert Silverberg
Child of time
The positronic man

Isaac Asimov
The Hugo winners volumes 1,2,3 (edited by, written by, who cares?)
The complete stories Volume 1 (E)
Robot visions (E)
I, Robot (E)
The caves of steel (E)
The naked sun (E)
The robots of dawn
Robots and empire
Prelude to foundation
Forward the foundation
Foundation and empire
Second foundation
Foundation's edge
Foundation and earth

Agatha Christie
Death on the Nile
Curtain, Poirot's last case
Sleeping murder
A caribbean mystery
Ten little niggers
Too many steps to death
They came to baghdad
Grooked house

Michael Crichton
The Andromeda strain
Rising sun
A case of need
The terminal man
Jurassic park
The lost world

Dane Barry
Dave Barry's Complete Guide to Guys
is from Mars and Venus

P.S. Most of the Hebrew books above were translated By íèåì ìàåðîò

Well, if you read till here, you probably want to read some of these books. Well, buy some! go to Amazon.com In Association with Amazon.com and purchase tons of books (well, english books. for Hebrew books go to Dbook. But for English books amazon.com is THE place.)

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But wait! The books marked with "O" near them are books I personaly recommend (of course, if a book is in my list, it is probably a good one). Clicking on the "O" is taking you straight to this book page on amazon.com, and you can order it without trouble! (and I get few pennies from recommending it). Don't be shy to E-Mail ME to ask me for more info on a book. [making the specific links takes some time; In the future more books will be added]


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