Fatiha. - 04/20/00 11:38:28
I just had a look at your page ! Still very impressive but not lately updated !!!!
I just realise that it has been exactely a year now that I last visited it!
I must love April then !
Are you still at Leeds ??
Please drop me an E-mail when ever you get a chance as I'm not sure that the E-mail address I have is still valid and I have lost your phone number as well !
Take care Keith !
Rebecca - 02/14/00 13:02:35
My Email:bec_apple@hotmail.com
ICQ: dont know yet!!!
Hiya Keith (joker),
It's me Rebecca!!
I like the pics
Especially the Leeds university chinese socieities xmas ball!! hehehehe =)
We were going mad that night weren't we!!! hehehe
Loved ur web page its cool!!!
Very funny, mad and crazy like u!!!
i like the pic of SARAH and TOBY (So sweet 2 gether)!
Wonder when they going 2 get married huh!!
Anyway just pop in to give u a bell to see how u r????
Hey Sarah told me ur gf has come over to visit u in england!!! That u guys r going to France!!
COOL hope u had a "GREAT" time 2gether!!!
e-mail me ok!!!
Sabina - 06/02/99 19:11:50
You've got to update my pics!!!!!!!! .....
Vivien - 05/29/99 10:09:10
My Email:vkirk@hotmail.com
ICQ: 33742222
Nice page Keith :).
dun know - 04/29/99 14:03:22
not too bad!!
Fatiha - 04/22/99 09:44:27
My Email:fmouchtak@morriscranes.co.uk
It is a long time indeed that I haven't been surfing on your page!
And it is still a pleasure, my favorite still are the Lboro years and the jokes areas but I did take time for the rest this time...
Take care.
- 04/19/99 09:41:33
Ker Ker,
I enjoyed your jokes. Please tell me if you have
Anthony Chan - 04/12/99 15:18:27
My Email:cen7chc@leeds.ac.uk
Hi Keith,
Well Done!
PuFFmaN - 02/25/99 03:54:37
My Email:PuffCurry@speed-racer.com
ICQ: 6778465
Ya all listen up!!
Check out my name der in da Joke Page..
This h/p is triippin ya all!!
Shout Out to my Man Keith here...
You da Man Keith!! you Da Man!!
lateR Man
Adino - 02/23/99 02:09:45
My URL:/SunsetStrip/Frontrow/8797
My Email:U know ...
ICQ: 2092032
Hee hee .... I've been here!
PuffyZ@PuffCurry - 02/22/99 16:04:41
My Email:PuffCurry@speed-racer.com
ICQ: 6778465
What Can I Say but WoW!!
New UpdateD Version oF The Old One..
You have tOns of TiMe on your hanD I see..
Well, Pal Happy New Year n Happy Birthday to The Page here..
Sonnie Butcher - 02/09/99 18:51:39
My URL:http://welcome.to/butchers_lair
My Email:spawn_one@hotmail.com
ICQ: 7154674
Better... betterer...betterest....than ur previous one that is... i won't say that it's better than mine of course....how u find the time lar??.... haha... cool.. like it... won't say i love it tho....and thanx for spelling "sonnie" right... it's not "so
o" <--that's my younger bro... catch ya later, alligator