Rise of Ran'Tassu
An adventure set in The Realm of Sulaar

This game will introduce you to the Realm of Sulaar, a vast land very rich in history where you will enjoy an opportunity to flex your role-playing abilities. Encounter numerous situations where wit is more valuable than muscle and tact is wiser than brutality. Don't let this fool you, the need for brawn will often surpass the act of diplomacy and discussion. Combat will be somewhat scarce, but when it comes... it will be a battle to reckon with! The cast of characters in Rise of Ran'Tassu runs deep. One can easily become engulfed in the intricate stories, plots, and adventures that roam this untamed land. Within the span of a single day, several NPCs could be encountered; who is valuable? Who is a punching bag? Whose name should be remembered? Whose should be forgotten? ...and was she REALLY an elf?

Even though a great evil is growing, the very land on which the adventurers reside is unstable and wracked with trouble. The dominant Wrone Barony is stained by turbulent internal politics, power struggles, and rampant greed, enough to create an ever-changing environment that only the tactful can adapt to and survive. Though a strong arm can save you from a perilous situation that same force can lead to certain death in others. The Barony struggles to keep day-to-day control amidst the aggressive Loomian Empire to the west, the unruly hobgoblin clans and swarms of monsters surrounding its northern borders and a pirate haven for criminals and murderers just off the western coast.

In Rise of Ran'Tassu, a group of characters have begun an epic journey to someday, hopefully, save the world. Centered on the island of Hawkwind, a land where religion and politics hold sizeable power and the economy is both very unstable and very unpredictable, the group has ventured deep into the Deetil Woods and found that this once safe, peaceful kingdom of elves has slowly withered like a neglected plant, overridden with weeds and pests and perils. The Morrowseers, a group of four enlightened children who are often granted visions of things to come, have warned of a dark day coming. The prophecy of Ran'Tassu, the coming of the spawn of Sheno, is on the horizon. The Morrowseers have foretold the beginning of the end, citing how plans have been set into motion to bring him into the lands and settle the unfinished task his father began nearly two centuries ago. The Shin'Naal, a cult of dark and twisted fanatics, are working to bring the prophecy to life and send the Realm of Sulaar into a permanent darkness and never ending pain. Fortunately, there is still hope. The Morrowseers have spoken of a band of saviors who they refer to as the Chosen. Should Ran'Tassu be stopped, for this part of their visions has been blotchy and blurred, it will be at the hand of a Chosen; none other will fell this biding evil.

As the days pass and dark, evil acts take place within the shadows of the land, a small group of adventurers have found themselves together, united under a common cause. Most have learned that they are the Chosen, and now, facing insurmountable odds and vile enemies brimming with nearly limitless power, the group must decide what to do next, and learn of how this second coming can be stopped.

Already the elven watch towns bordering the Deetil Woods have reported endless waves of attacks by undead hordes. Some are noting an organized uprising by the Red Grin hobgoblin clan and the recruitment of the deadly forest troll and green ogre. These combined armies have been crashing against the defenses of the elven towns of Westend, Nillin's Bush, and Greenglen; neither of which can hold out much longer. Patrols out of Jhelom, the principal town in the Wrone Barony, have confirmed rumors that bands of hobgoblins arranged into an effective fighting force, employing strategy and tactics are swarming around the central and western parts of the island. The magic of the elves and the solace in the land is fading and waning... there is little time to waste.

The current game is hosted and played at Rondak's Portal, so feel free to visit. Below you will find several links which will help a first-time player become familiar with Hawkwind, or a current player become 'refreshed'. The page content may undergo occasional editing, but if a major change or correction is made, players will be notified. For now, enjoy the stories and become familiar with the perils of Hawkwind.

Character Creation

Additional Languages

Krolvin Character Class
(This is in .DOC format)

Player & Character Information Section

Hawkwind Town Overview

PC's Guide to Hawkwind

Stories from Hawkwind

The Map of Hawkwind

The Elven Outpost Towns

The Chosen's Treasure List

The Birth of Hawkwind

NPC Cast of Characters

If you have any questions or concerns that are not addressed in any of the files here (and I certainly expect you to read any applicable files before asking!), feel free to email me. I can be reached at this e-mail address. I can also be found occasionally on AoL's Instant Messenger or Yahoo! Messenger under the name DemagorDM. If you see me on, drop me a line! That should do it for now. Take care.

Rise of Ran'Tassu ®, Ran'Tassu ®, Demagor ®, Sulaar ®, Realm of Sulaar ®, Hibben ®, Repusmaet ®, Loomian Empire ® and Hawkwind ® are registered trademarks and service marks of www.demagor.com all rights reserved. Rise of Ran'Tassu ®, Ran'Tassu ®, Demagor ®, Sulaar ®, Realm of Sulaar ®, Hibben ®, Repusmaet ®, Loomian Empire ® and Hawkwind ® are copyright © 2002-2007 www.demagor.com. All rights reserved. Rondak's Portal copyright© 1998-2007 Rondak's Portal Inc. Rondak's Portal™ is a registered trade mark of Rondak's Portal Inc.