"This is a shrine where special warriors dwell. Please be careful not to irritate them. They do tend to get a little crazy now and again....."

It's Xena...Warrior Princess.......

Hi and welcome to my humble shrine of Xena and that sidekick of her's....hmmmm...err...um...Gabrielle! that's it! Anyway, this will just be a smathering of pictures and a couple of my favorite links for awesome xena sites. If you were ever here before..probably not:)....you will notice that I decided to devide the pictures into three sections. The pictures that I choose to show you are some of my favorites...I do add to the collection once in a while, so come back for more! Well, here it is then.....a start anyway......

Xena pics Xena pics Xena pics

  • The official MCA site of Xena:Warrior Princess
  • Tom's Xena Page Another excellent Xena page with fan fiction, pictures, and a whole lot more!
  • Ciy'Ree's domainA most excellent site for Xena and quite a few other things.....
  • ROCfanatic's Xena PageThis has alot of kewl stuff:montages, wallpaper, tons of pics!!!
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