November 21, 2003
News: It has been well over ayear since i've touched this. Mostly due to lack of interest. New news? I've gotten back in touch with a good friend over seas. Another friend is getting married next year. Two good things. Yay. And now for depressing news. My Meme (grandmother to those ofyou who dont speak french)IS on her death bed. She had a stroke 6 years ago in November and she's been battling ill health ever since. Her birthday is comming up... she is supposed to be turning 87 but sadly she will not make it. I am seriously upset by this but I understand life eventually ends but it still hurts. She's my grandmother and she's supposed to be here for me- no matter what. Selfish I know but she's always been.. here. A few months ago we finally got back east to visit my family in New Hampshire. I live in Illinois if anyone didn't know this. She had only seen pictures of my kids. Kiley is 3 Ben is 1. I belive it was the greatest gift I have ever given her and I'm proud of my little monsters. The look on her face when she saw my kids was and will forever be burned in my memory. Good bye Meme, I love you.
Anyway if you need to e-mail me click contact or Claimore@hotmail, or ICQ me, 1396878.