Welcome.gif (27661 bytes)

WELCOME TO...................


Animoon.gif (32768 bytes)

A big hallo to all. This is my first attempt at creating a homepage so it is gonna be under construction for quite some time! Anyway, I will be doing my best, so please be patient with moi. Do give moi your support, by sending moi emails, complaints, suggestions, anything 'coz this site is gonna be everything under the sun, moon and stars!

Things I manage to PUT UP now.

fire.gif (21280 bytes)MOviefire.gif (21280 bytes)

fire.gif (21280 bytes)musicfire.gif (21280 bytes)

fire.gif (21280 bytes)my sliders fanfic pagefire.gif (21280 bytes)

fire.gif (21280 bytes)the others pagefire.gif (21280 bytes)


Will be honoured if u drop me a line or two.

email3.gif (3131 bytes)

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