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Countdown to 25th Birthday:
Hello and welcome. My name is Ryan and I'm a 24 year old Alumnus of Shippensburg University where I majored in Psychology and minored in Music. I was Drum Major of the Shippensburg University Red Raider Marching Band, played Euphonium in Brass Ensemble, Concert Band, and trumpet in Jazz Ensemble. I am also a graduate of Panther Valley High School. This site is a piece of crap. I haven't updated it since 2003, but i've recently taken a renewed interest and will be attempting to update it.
The Panther Valley High School Band
Nescafe17's Homepage
Sarah's Homepage
Cap'n Jim's Homepage
Spins2's Homepage
Mr. Conductor's Midi Page
Jay's Homepage
Leslie's Homepage
Lewis's Homepage
This page will be updated as I learn html programming. Please excuse the simplicity of this page. I promise that it will be much better once I learn all the techincal stuff.
have boldly gone where no one's gone before.
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