Ukyo Pics!!!

Here are some pics of Ukyo interacting with the other cast members of Ranma 1/2. She has better relationships with some of the characters than others.
All images are thumbnails, and some may seem distorted but click on each to see the larger version of the pics.


Ukyo has made Okonomiyaki her life and carries around a giant Spatula to make this easier. She also used the Spatula and Okonomiyaki preparation to form a new style of Martial Arts.


Tsubasa fell in love with Ukyo, but Ukyo has promised herself to always remain faithful to Ranma.


Ukyo was engaged to Ranma as a child when Genma couldn't afford to feed himself or Ranma. So he made and arrangement with Ukyo's father that Ranma would marry Ukyo and get the Okonomiyaki cart as a dowery. But even though Genma ran off with the cart, Ukyo has been and plans to always be faithful to Ranma.

Click here to see Ukyo find Ranma in a trash can, because he lost his strength.



Ukyo never really had a good releationship with Ryoga!

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