Ukyo's Origin
the story of Ucchan

This is the story of how Ukyo became Ranma's fiancee.

Ukyo first appears as a strange, masked "man" who has challenged Genma, Ranma's
father to a fight! He couldn't belive that after 10 years, "he" has tracked
them down.

The next day, Ukyo is introduced as a new student at school. Ranma remembers
"him" and has a flashback of how Uyko became Ucchan. Ucchan was the nickname Ranma gave Ukyo when they were 5 years old, and Ranma isnists on calling her Ucchan, because he thinks she likes the name.

Ukyo becomes so furious that Ranma doesn't know why he has shamed her. Ranma has no reason to suspect anything so he can't believe that his childhood friend challenges him to a fight. But, she does and he ring is
surrounded by a giant hot-plate! Ukyo is intent on cooking Ranma into

Ukyo and Ranma have a flask back to when they were both 5 years old. Since Ranma stole okonomiyaki almost every day, Ukyo's father (click to see him) made Genma promise to make Ukyo Ranma's new fiancee. Genma is hesitant so Ukyo's father throws in the okonomiyaki cart as a dowry. Genma runs off with the cart and leaves poor Ukyo behind. Ranma still thinks she is a he, so while they are fighting he wants Ukyo to forget about it. Ukyo refuses and Ranma calls her the most stubborn "guy" he's ever met. Genma also refuses to comment on the situation.

Ukyo throws spatulas at Ranma and causes him to burn himself on the hotplat surrounding the ring. Genma demonstrated how hot the plate really is by cooking eggs. Ranma gets so mad that he fights back and throws Ukyo out of the ring.

She sences how mad he is but continues to run. Ranma tells her to fight like a "man" which makes her so mad she continues to fight. She attacks Ranma with her spatula, but he grabs it from her.

Ranma slices the front of Ukyo's shirt, plus he twists her spatula out of anger. Ukyo has some female dignity, unlike Ranma-chan, so she runs away in order to save her dignity. Ranma has no idea why she runs away, so he gets even madder.

Ranma and Ukyo crash through the roof of the school equipment shed, which doesn't seem to stop the fight. Ranma grabs Ukyo in the wrong place. Ukyo gets so furious she slaps him screaming, "Hands off." Ranma sees that Ukyo has breasts and is very surpised.

Just to make sure, Ranma splashes Ukyo with hot water to see if she really is a he who fell into the same spring Ranma did. Of course, Ukyo has always been a girl and gets even more upset with Ranma.

Since everyone saw where Ranma and Ukyo landed, Genma, Akane, and most of the students watching the fight enter to see what haas happened. Genma (who has turned back into human form) explains that Ukyo is Ranma's fiancee. Ranma can't believe this so he asks his father to explain.

Genma explains his deal with Ukyo's father, but he asks Ranma to make the final decision whether or not to have Ukyo as a fiancee or to have the okonomiyaki cart. Ranma, being 5 and still thinking Ukyo is a guy, choses OKONOMIYAKI. This makes poor Ukyo unalbe to marry anyone else, for they took the cart, or her dowry.

Ukyo remembers the other girls of the town talking about her and that she;ll never get married, so she explains how okonomiyaki became not only her means of survival, but a new style of martial arts she would use to distroy the Saotomes.

The girls in the crowed think Ranma and Genma are sick and need to be beaten up, so they take the liberty. The only problem is that Ranma cuts out with Ukyo in hot persuit. He returns to the place where he distroied her spatula and returns it to her, only after he fixed it. He then tells Ukyo that she has a right to be mad at him and lets her beat him up. Ukyo says that because of him, she has never been able to "embrase her feminity."

She lashes out at him with her spatula showing no mercy. Akane watches in the background, concerned for Ranma's well being. Ukyo says that can't "ever love another man" as long as she lives.

Ukyo geys to close and Ranma looks into her eyes and says that's a great loss by calling her cute. She is in shock and tells him to stop calling her that, but he won't. Then, Akane shows up, and Ukyo finally meets the one Ranma left her for, sort of. Akane is a bit upset that Ranma has yet another fiancee.

Ukyo sees that Ranma and Akane don't get along, especially when he introduces them as Cute Fiancee (Ukyo), meet Un-cute fiancee (Akane). Akane gets mad that Ranma calls her uncute, so they get into another little fight. Ukyo is preparing a special okonomiyaki for Ranma in the background.

Ukyo throws the okonomiyaki at Ranma and says they should let "bygons be bygons" as Ranma did initially. Ranma looks at the okonomiyaki in his hand with a heart on it, and Akane says "You must be very happy." Ranma is a little surpised that he isn't dead, but agrees. Now he has a cute fiancee.
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