Welcome To
Valhalla Station
Welcome to Valhalla Station
Valhalla Station is a nutral station placed near the Border Worlds, Confederation, and Kilrathi border. It is a place for all to come and do buisness and even serves as a nutral place for waring races to come and make peace. All are welcome at Valhalla, but combat between any faction will result in imidiate expultion from the station and it's facilitys. It is hoped that all races will respect this rule for the benifit of all.
Since this is a nutral station ships from all factions regularly dock here, the specs on those ships may be found in the docking bay.
Proud Memeber of The

sentients have entered Valhalla Station as of 03/14/98
Docking Bay
Valhalla Station Specifications
Wing Commander Timeline
Shuttle Bay
Station News
Contact the Station Commander