Alliance for Paranormal Research
The Alliance For Paranormal Research
Audiotape recorder -- For E.V.P. (Electronic Voice Phenomena) recording, also for holding interviews with witnesses of a haunting, or haunted area. We suggest using an external mic with your recorder. This helps to eliminate static and also listening to hours of the wheels in your recorder turning.
35mm Camera -- For geographic location, and the camera can see more than the naked eye, although you will not be able to tell if anything is in the picture until the developing is done, we suggest taking two pictures in a row in or around the same area when you do take pictures. We have used many different styles of cameras, and do not really suggest any, we believe that any will do.
Video Camera -- This helps others to see all the motions you went through during your investigation. Also like the camera, the camera sees more than the naked eye. Also as a tip, if you are focused on an area and the auto focus is not focusing properly, take a picture, the camera may be trying to focus on something between you and the object you are aiming at, that can not be seen.
EMF Detector -- This handy little gadget is very useful. It detects electromagnetic fields, and since spiritual energy emits an electro magnetic field it will help to tell you where an entity may be. They can become very highly priced, but there are some out there that are affordable, and work very well. The downside of this is, if there are powerlines in or around the cemetery you will not really be able to use it. The power generated by these lines will mess with the meter.
Flashlights -- A flashlight is very important, it is suggested that you take more than one on your trip, in case one fails, also plenty of extra batteries.
First Aid Kit -- A first aid kit should be carried at all times. You are going into a dark area, and may not always see something dangerouse around you, so be prepared.
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