"You accidently stumble into a a room, where groovey disco lights and cheesy 70's porn music assail your eyes and ears. You look to the door worriedly, knowing that whoever dwells in this room must be some kinda Nut Bunny! Turning around quickly as you hear the sound of a bag of Doritos being opened you see a person, the first thought to cross your mind is 'damn, is it humandly possible to eat that many doritos at once??' Taking the offered a shreded Hanson t-shirt to wipe the dorito gunk off your face, once again you contemplate this odd person standing before. Male or Female?" Well ha I'm not telling so nyaaaaaah boogie boogie boogie!! AHAHAHAHAHA. Well now that that's over we can get down to buisness, my name is Airen Blackpaws, or better known as BlackLynxN (don't ask what the N Stands for cause i ain't TELLIN!!!) Perro Annnyway, I'm a Bastet, a Qualmi to be precise. Who let me tell you being a Werecat is not easy, oh sure their are perks, but i was kinda set on being a Wendigo...but it's all cool and Mama Trebender is pretty nice as a mentor (when she's not smacking me in the back of the head i thought she was native american not Italian!). Well anyways, if your here your most likely after information on Bastet or myself. If your not here BADD monkey!! Got sit in the corner and sort my collection of Nat King Cole Records,::mutters:: darn chips. So look around enjoy and please sign the guest book if ya get a chance to huh? 