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Sin embargo, no vamos a poner aquí nuestro sitio de nuevo; nos llevó BASTANTE trabajo moverlo a Tripode, y estamos bastante bien allí.
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Picket Line también se quedan, dado que ahora son de dominio público:
Art originally by CristalDrgon
Multibuscador. Busqueda directa (Multisearch engine. Direct seacrh):
Altavista | Excite | Dejanews | Lycos | Ozú | Olé | WhoWhere? | Yahoo!
Tripod: 11 megabytes of space, upgradeable to 22 for a monthly fee (which
also grants you an e-mail address and allows you to install a
chat room). A custom URL! They have a counter and guestbook (I
think... haven't checked out the guestbook). I don't remember
if the banner exchange is LinkExchange or just their own, but
they have one in place. Very good simple page builder, online
editing, file upload. Navigation has been a bit tricky for me
to figure out, but overall this is really a great little system,
and 11 megs is more than most people will use! Like Geocities,
these people are legit, they're not out to sell your name to anybody,
and they support the system with advertising.
They have a section devoted to anime! Cool!
Xoom: 11 megs of space for free! Xoom is probably still one of the
least "homey" of any of the so-called online communities, but
they're working on it. The down side with Xoom is that they're
still in the building stages and don't offher all of the services
that Tripod or Geocities offer... more of a "do it yourself" service.
However, they offer a ton of graphics free for your use on your
web page, and they have a simple page builder for non-html-knowledgable
types. Otherwise they direct you to free programs and services
that you can find on the internet, like Guest World for your guest
book, Link Exchange for your banner, and FTP programs and HTML
editors that you can find out on the web (some of which I list
here). This makes for an easy start-up for their free web service,
since they didn't have to build all of the stuff that Geocities
has built themselves. But that makes it difficult for the beginner.
They have a simple web-page builder, but beyond that you need
to build offline and ftp to your site, and it took me a while
to master that part.
Of course, nobody gives free web space out of the goodness of
their hearts. Tripod have advertising, both in their banner and
their pop-up menus, and on their own core pages. With Xoom, you
avoid all of that, but you have to put up with them constantly
trying to sell you their animated gifs and software packages --
that is, after all, their main business. Luckily buying anything
is not a requirement to get free web space. You get the custom
URL, which is neat. They are also anime-friendly, with an anime
Fortune City: At one time the only legitimate site that really gave you a
whole 10 megs to build on (Now outdone by Xoom, Geocities, and
Tripod, all at 11 megs!). Fortune City is another quality service.
They have a pretty good community setup on the same general idea
as Geocities, allowing you to select the community and house/address
that you want to live in, and, wonder of wonders, they even have
a city map! I thought that was extra cool!
They offer all the usual amenities, including banner exchange
(LinkExchange), web counter, guestbook, etc, a simple page builder
that's not half bad and online editing and file-upload that works
okay, just not quite in the same realm as Geocities. I experienced
severe lag until this monday when they added a second server.
Right now their system (file uploading and whatever) is really
flying! One of their requirements is 60 hits on your page a month
and/or updating of your page, otherwise it could disappear (they
notify you first, I think). On the other hand, I don't update
my page every month, and it doesn't get that many hits, but it's
still there...
As for the rest of these "free web space" sites, I can't guarantee
you won't be selling your soul (or at least your mail address)
for what they give you, especially on the cheesey "1 page" or
"5 pages" sites. They all have rules about content and whether
commercial stuff is allowed (usually not). Check 'em out for yourself.
If you want my advice, Geocities is still the overall top choice.
Not too many people out there are really giving you something for free, especially when it comes to web
space. Even Xoom is hoping you buy some of their products!
11 megs of space, and customized URL, but no e-mail address (they
promise one soon!). No click-thru ads or banners! Lots of HTML
There are several sites that offer you a free e-mail address.
Having a second e-mail address can be useful, especially if you share an account with other family/household
members or you get your internet access through school or work.
There are places to get free e-mail as well, and they have an
added advantage: since you access your e-mail from their web site,
you don't have to worry about travelling away from your internet
provider. If you can get on the net in Singapore or Dublin or
Johannesburg, then you can check your e-mail account just as easily
as you could at home. If I wanted to do that with my Sprynet address
I'd have to find out what the local Sprynet/Compuserve number
was first (assuming there was one), and dial that. It wouldn't be easy or convenient.
Of the following free e-mail providers, I've tried Iname, and
Netaddress. Netaddress throws a lot of animated advertising onto
their site, making it slow to load. The Yahoo site is much faster
to access, read your mail, and get out.
My favorite, I think, is the Iname site. You can customize your
address: a free account offers a handful of addresses like "cyberdude.com"
"cheerful.com" and the like; or for $17.95 a year you get a choice
of hundreds of addresses tied to occupations, interests, and even
religion, so that you can have a "doctor.com" or a "buddist.com"
address tag. Plus they do e-mail forwarding, so that you can redirect
your mail to your current e-mail address rather than have to go
to their internet site! They also have a slick interface with
signature and browse for file attatchment options. Nifty!
Now that I know of a second service, I can make this a seperate
section. Coollist and FindMail both offer free mailing lists --
set up your own or join an existing one! Unfortunately, I don't
know much about FindMail at the moment, and as for Coollist, they
are slow and unreliable most of the time. But the concept is still
a cool one! Hopefully FindMail will do a better job of it!
Okay! So you don't have a fancy scanner like me, or a nifty program
like Adobe Photoshop. You still want your web page to look good,
right? Well of course! What you need is a handy list of sites
that offer nifty graphics (backgrounds, buttons, banners, and
animated graphics) to help you get rolling! I've got the cure
for what ails you:
Go to Gilpo's! Go to Gilpo's!
There's no real need to go buy Front Page or some other commercial
HTML editor when there are several good alternatives available
online! So far I've checked out Gomer and EditPad, and of the
two, Gomer is the far superior product, allowing you to do just
about anything you'd want to quickly and easily. However, Gomer
is not free -- you can use it for a 30-day trial period, but then
must register it. It's a $20.00 registry, not too bad. But some
of the free editors are even more powerful!
EditPad is not free either -- quite -- free either. It's "Postcardware".
You have to register it, but all that requires is that you send
a nice postcard from your home town or area to the designer. He
collects 'em, and he likes to know where his program's been to
lately. Such a deal! It might as well be free! EditPad is not
a fancy program, but it is better than doing it in notepad or some other text editor.
Another one is HomeSite by Allaire. They have a freeware version
available, HomeSite 2.1, but I haven't checked it out.
Some of these editors are pretty dang powerful, and I'm only scratching
the surface. I'm listing mostly the free ones, so you won't find
(for example) Hotdog Pro linked on this page, although it is an
extremely powerful program. If you want to check out all of your
shareware (need to register and pay some kind of fee to keep using
it) programs, of which there are tons, a great site is Tucows, "the ultimate collection of winsock software". They do reviews,
list whether it's freeware, shareware, or whatever, provide secure
virus-free downloads, and link you directly to the creator/company's
site. A great place!
One program I don't have a link to is Webwerx, which you can get
directly from Tucows. They rate it highly too. I should also note,
I'm listing what I found for Win95, but many of these sites have
Win 3.1 versions available. If you can't find a Mac version at
these sites, go directly to the Tucows site and look there!
The only FTP program I've downloaded it Cute FTP, which I haven't
done much with yet, and it's not free. Here at Geocities you don't
really need an FTP program because they have one built in, but
for other places, an FTP is pretty much essential.
The biggest reason I list Cute FTP is because it's consistently
rated one of the best if not the best. It's not exactly cheap
to register (I consider cheap to be $20 or less), but cost can
be relative. You may find that it's so much better than the other
options that you're willing to pay the $40.00. Anyway, the trial
copy is free, so you've nothing to lose by testing it out first.
Download the Altavista search engine for free. You can even use
it to search your own computer. I haven't tried it, mind you,
but it costs you nothing...
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