Hi I'm Pete.
Welcome to my homepage!
This site is still under heavy construction.

My interests are:
chemistry, computers, videogames, fantasy and science fiction books.

Coming up soon:

  • some links, pictures and hints to FFVII (there are just a few at the moment
  • XCOM1&2 (very few)

    Here are some links to FF VII related sites:

    Sony Austria (german)
    Squaresoft (USA)

    There are some more, but it will take some more time to add them to my page.

    The followings links are available:

    one of my favourites: Burrito BobīsX-COM-Page
    (lots of backgroung information including stories, hints and links)

    Additional features:
    Here`s a link to another cool page: surprise

    Email me at wizclone@geocities.com in the meantime.
    Please come back soon and visit me.

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