Originally, the most immediate push for getting this site up-and-running was the
Melbourne Anime Society (which now has its own
separate home page). Anime fans who have come this far might find what they are looking
for on this link to the up-to-date MAS screening schedule
or this to the MAS loan tapes.
Most of anything I have written for science-fiction fanzines – and which survives on computer
disk somewhere – is getting to appear on this page. So does some new stuff,
as I get around to doing it. (Brief tale of woe: I had all my disks catalogued on hard disk, and the
catalogue backed up on a floppy. Then came the Great Hard Disk Crash, followed by the discovery
that although my computer said it was backing up when I told it to, it really wasn't. Even now, every so
often, I find something on a floppy which gets added here. The Crash is also the reason for anything
else I can possibly blame on it.)
This site mirrors another at home in Australia, and the (more or less)
duplicate of this page can be obtained by clicking
here. This page came about in the USA because of delaying hardware and software
problems in Australia, and the urgent need to get some anime society information on the
net as soon as possible. Fortunately Geocities
was able to supply a site pretty well straight away. (In cyberspace the other
side of the planet can be closer than the city you live in.) Also, as they could
supply the site at no charge, the price was right.
A number of my pages contain hit counters, despite my being given advice
to the contrary. ("Why advertise your page is getting no traffic?" A point of
view Geocities probably went along with, as all their counters turned invisible to
public gaze some time ago.) But I really wanted to see what was more
popular than what, and went ahead anyway. After being knocked out of commission
for almost a year by a double medical whammy, I discovered the company
supplying the counter on my Australian pages had changed its net address
without warning, meaning an unknown number of hits had gone unrecorded. Meantime
Geocities had gone on uninterrupted. I began to collate my data. The first and
most recently added page I looked at, in which counters had started up in both
countries at the same time, at one stage in 2000
had 119 USA hits to 96 Australian. Later, in 2001, it was 93 USA hits to 491
Australian hits. This means my USA page must have had at least 26 negative hits! This is
even worse than no hits at all! Still, any statistics are better than none at all, right?
ME! (One of my favourite topics)
Explaining who I am might be an idea, especially since it has come to my
attention I am not unique after all, and there are other people named Bruce
Barnes who are on the internet one way or the other. (This conclusion was
reached very early on, when checking to see if I was showing up on any search
engines.) Merv Binns once described me as a "science fiction fan, author,
film maker, actor, and probably many things we do not know about." I'll go
along with that. For the benefit of masochists and insomniacs, the beginnings
of a more detailed autobiography can be had by checking here.
My published writing was one of the reasons for starting this page, so I am
very gradually (as oddly-dwindling time permits) adding stuff on my writing and
the process of writing here.
-- Latest page update (to Japanese Terms Not So Easy to Translate), on 3 July 2004 --
(For latest anime-related updates, see the MAS Main Page)
Go to:
Anime-related stuff:
Travel-related stuff (Trip reports based around SF Conventions):
Australia-related stuff:
- Australian Stuff (Mainly for the information of non-Australians accessing this site)
- Aussietrek 1979 (Report on a Sydney
Star Trek Convention with George Takei)
- Report on Three Aussiecons (Coming sometime in the future)
- The Great St Kilda Flood (The day it rained 40-days-and-40-nights style)
Me-related stuff:
Strange-stuff stuff:
Links to other sites on the web:
I have been writing science fiction since leaving high school, and have
even been published here and there.
Movies, television, and me:
The "I've been framed" department:
Netscape users who would like to see this page with frames, click here.
(I personally have been unable to warm to the use of frames too much –
they take too long to load, take up too much screen room, and so on – however
as some people prefer them to a plain layout, here's my contribution.
Just be warned I have not put an excessive amount of time and effort into this.)
Frequently Asked Questions:
Sign Guestbook
View Guestbook
The link to Australia-related stuff began
as a service for overseas visitors to this site, to explain certain Australianisms
I may have used. If anything puzzles you, or there is something you think
deserves being added, please e-mail me at
Bruce M. Barnes
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