The Books
The Message Board
The Fanfic
The Quotes
The Characters
The Merchandise
08-22-00: I've decided to no longer update the Anigirl's Animorphs website. It will still exist, but it won't be updated. I don't have time anymore to keep updating the whole site (plus my parents are kind of ticked off at me for being online so much). In its place, I am working on Anigirl's Animorphs Links - guaranteed to become the largest collection of working Animorphs links on the Web. Go to it at, or The Quotes, The Books, and Poll of the Week will not be updated as I said they would. And from now on, no major part of the site will be updated either. But please enjoy Anigirl's Animorphs Links! This is Anigirl, signing out.
06-07-00: I deleted some junk off the page and updated Poll of The Week - considering calling it Poll of the Month. The Links has also been updated (after I clicked on every link to make sure they were working...), but I'm still working on The Quotes.
05-03-00: My computer went crazy on me for a few weeks and then I had a million projects to do... but enough with the excuses. I'll be better at updating, I promise!!! Anyway, I've already updated Poll of the Week and The Books. I'm working on The Links and The Quotes, which should be good as new soon.
02-01-00: The Books and Poll of the week were updated.
01-09-00: Poll of the Week was updated.
01-03-00: I updated Poll of the Week and got a new counter. That's all.
01-01-00: HAPPY NEW MILLENIUM!!! I know, I know, technically it's not supposed to be the millenium, but I don't care about being technically correct! Anyway, sorry it took so long for me to update again, but my social studies teacher gave us a lot of homework to do. I've hardly even gotten online. I've updated The Links, The Books, and The Quotes, now that I have more time. And can someone PLEASE start a conversation on the message board?
11-01-99: I finally got The Quotes and Poll of the Week updated.
10-27-99: I've had SO MUCH HOMEWORK this past month that I've hardly had time to go online. And the time that I've had, I've spent on building my new site, the K Galaxy. Don't worry, this site will continue to be up and running, and I'm starting to get used to my new work routine, so it'll be up-to-date as well. Today I updated The Books and The Links, and I plan to have The Quotes updated soon. I'm still trying to think of a question for Poll of the Week, and when I do, I'll post it. Also, I have a favor to ask of my regular visitors: can you start a conversation on The Message Board? It used to be teeming with people, and I liked talking to everyone on it. If anyone wants the board to be the way it once was, please post SOMETHING on it! Thanks!
We can't tell you who we are. Or where we live. It's too risky, and we've got to be careful. Really careful. So we don't trust anyone. Because if they find us . . . well, we just won't let them find us. The thing you should know is that everyone is in really big trouble. Yeah. Even you.
Animorphs is a book series by K. A. Applegate. It is about five kids who took a shortcut through an abandoned construction site one day. Jake, Rachel, Tobias, Cassie, and Marco were given the power to morph by a dying Andalite prince who told them about the Yeerks. The Yeerks are a parasitic alien species (that look like slugs) that enter your brain through the ear canal and take over. Now the Animorphs can morph any animal they acquire, but they can only stay in morph for two hours. These five kids (plus another Andalite later) are not only fighting for their lives, but for the freedom of the human race.

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