"Friends, when once a man is launched on such an adventure as this, he must bid farewell to hopes and fears, otherwise death or deliverance will both come too late to save his honor and reason."
-- Puddleglum: The Silver Chair --
Nephew -- Two
young children named Digory and Polly witness the creation of
Narnia by the noble lion Aslan. The gifts of speech and
reason are bestowed upon it's creatures.
Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe -- Four English
children travel to the magical land of Narnia through what
appeares to be an ordinary wardrobe. Through a series of
events they find themselves a fulfillment of prophecy as Aslan
frees Narnia from the reign of the White Witch.
Horse and His Boy -- During the reign of Peter, Susan,
Edmund, and Lucy a talking horse and a young prince save Narnia
from invasion from the nieghboring kingdom of Calormen.
Caspian -- Many years have passed since the golden
reign of the four Pevensies. The Telmarians have invaded
and conquered Narnia. Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy are
summond back into Narnia to aid in the civil war to defeat the
present King Miraz and place young prince Caspian on the throne.
of the Dawn Treader -- Edmund, Lucy, and their cousin
Eustace are brought to Narnia to accompany Caspian on his oceanic
passage to the ends of the world.
Silver Chair -- Eustace and his friend Jill
appear in Narnia to rescue Prince Rilian, Caspian's son, from the
Queen of the Deep Realm of the Underworld.
Last Battle -- Evil dwells within Narnia and
conspires with the Calmormenes. A great deception
abounds. King Tiran is dethroned only to be rescued by Eustance
and Jill who have once more been brought back to the realm.
The last battle to free the land comes with the world's
Click here to view an outline of Narnian history
Click here to view a map of the land of Narnia