Personal Favorites


LCMS -- The Official Homepage of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

Lutherans.Net -- Very extensive resourse for Lutherans on the web.

Project Wittenberg -- Contains various resouces concerning the LCMS church.

Crosswalk --Major site for Christian news and resources.

Family Research Council -- Information regarding the major concerns facing society today.

National Right to Life -- Focuses on the worth and a sanctity of human life.

Lutherans For Life -- Home of the Lutherans For Life.  Variety of resources for matters of life from the beginning of life and onto its end.

Roe v. Wade - 25 Years of Life Denied -- Bountiful information regarding the information, history, and aftermath concerning the infamous Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion.

Ulitmate Pro-Life Resourse List -- Self explanitory.

Mark Lowry's Personal Domain! -- Home of the hilarious comedian.  Self-proclaimed "posterboy of hyperactivity".

Official Michael Card Web Site -- Homepage of one of my favorite Christian artists. Writer of the song for the National Day of Prayer "Heal Our Land".

Official  Michael W. Smith Home Site -- One of the most popular CCM artists!  Responsible for classic song "Friends".

On the Other Side -- Michael W. Smith -- A favorite unofficial MWS website.

Obsidian.Dream -- A website of a friend who's band records stirring instramental ballads.

The Anime Archive -- Rather extensive archive regarding information of Japanese animated series.  Includes a large database of graphics and illustrations

Mystic's Fantasy Gallery  --  Extensive collection of works by various  artists.

The Official Star Wars Web Site  -- Tons of information regarding the THE NEW HOPE, EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, and RETURN OF THE JEDI as well as the new trilogy slated for release in May 1999.

Tolkin Online -- One of the major fan websites dedicated to Tolkin's Lord of the Rings Triology.

Holodeck 3 [main console] -- Major Star Trek site. 

"Touched by an Angel" -- "Touched By  An Angel" television series.

SHN | Home -- Good resource regarding health and medical matters.

Fibromyalgia & Myofacial Pain Syndrome -- Very helpful website regarding the often misunderstood and sometimes disabling syndrome known as Fibromyalgia.

The Arthritis Foundation -- Exhaustive resource for those who bear one of the 100 differing forms of arthritis.

Newsgroups -- a  very helpful and supportive newsgroup for those who are diagnosed with the arthritic related multi--symptomatic syndrome known as fibromyalgia. -- Newsgroup on the G1 Transformers series.

alt.religion.christian.lutheran -- Lutheran newsgroup.

alt.christnet.writers -- Forum for Christian writers of various genres.

alt.christnet.christianlife -- Another Christian newsgroup.

Amazon.Com -- Large and highly dependable internet bookstore.  Highly recommended.
