
The Indiana Jones Toy Reference Page

Created and Rarely Maintained by DR. WILL

In the early eighties, Kenner released an action figure line for the Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark movie. It consisted of a first wave of 4 different carded figures as well as 2 different playsets. The second wave included 5 more carded figures, another playset, a horse and a truck. The playsets included a total of 3 more figures upping the total number of figures for the line to 12. Unfortunately the line quickly died off after only a couple of years. LJN picked up the line for the subsequent Temple of Doom movie but only produced 3 figures total. LJN planned other figures and a playset but none made it to production. No figures were domestically produced for the final Indiana Jones movie, The Last Crusade, although Star Toys released several lower quality figures outside the US.

UPDATE! Yes for the first time in about ten years...here's a real update! Just recently, a 9 back Cairo Swordsman has turned up from a lot from a Kenner employee. Thanks to Jeremy for providing the pictures.

There's a new 12 inch Indiana Jones figure line coming out and you can pre-order yours today!
Indiana Jones Regular 12

Entertainment Earth

Carded Figures

Kenner Indiana Jones Carded Figures

Loose Figures

Kenner Indiana Jones Loose Figure Guide

Boxed Playsets

Kenner Indiana Jones Boxed Playsets and Miscellaneous Accessories

Loose Playsets

Kenner Indiana Jones Playset and Accessory Guide


Indiana Jones Rarities


Miscellaneous Indiana Jones Items


LJN Temple of Doom Figures

Living in the Past

Miscellaneous old non-Indy Pics

Visitors since February 12, 1998

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NOTE:I am in no way affiliated with any of the sellers of any of the above items and assume no liability for any transactions undertaken by clicking through any of the above ebay links.

I am always looking to buy any Indiana Jones toys at reasonable prices. I am especially looking for prototypes, proofs, rare items or anything not shown on my page. Please contact me! if you have anything for sale. Thanks for visiting!

Check out what's new!

Last updated July 28, 2007.

I have created this page as reference for Indiana Jones toys. I have tried to make it comprehensive (at least on the Kenner side) but a few holes remain. Hopefully those holes will be filled as I acquire the last few items I need to complete my collection or by collectors such as yourself who can provide me pictures of missing items. Most items pictured are from my personal collection. Any pictures not from my collection are duly noted. All pictures should be considered my property. If you would like to use one of the pictures from my site, please ask for my permission first. If at any time you wish to return to the main page just click on the "The Adventures of Indiana Jones" logo at the top of each linked page. Thanks for visiting, come back often and most of all....ENJOY!

24APR2000--As you may have noticed...I haven't updated the page in 2 years. I've been busy with school and a million other things. If you ever emailed me and did not receive a reply, I apologize. Here are some commonly asked questions. If your question is not answered here, you can try me...but unfortunately I can't guarantee a reply. Also, if you have asked to link with my page in the past, I would be happy to do so, just re-email and I'll try to get to it.

23MAR2004--NOTE FROM IRAQ: Four years since the last update! Haha. I barely even remember how to read/write HTML anymore. I'm lucky to have remembered the password and id to edit the page. I finally had some time to kill with internet access while I'm deployed over here in IRAQ...and I thought I'd see if my page was still around. I happened to check on the geocities page stats (the free counter went out years ago with the dotcom bust!) I was surprised to see how many people still visit the site. Some 15,000 since 2002. And here I thought it was just littering the vast expanses of the www. I cut out some dead links, added some picks of my old collection and changed the email address. You're free to email but I probably won't reply! I really haven't been collecting since the last update. I sold off most of the rarities years ago and all the other stuff is packed away in my garage probably getting chewed up by mice! Take care and I'm glad people are still getting something out of the site.

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